Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 52 degrees, high 63 degrees, cloudy skies, rain showers late
This is weird weather - snow last weekend and bitter cold, now rain and warming for at least a day or two. Then, there's the tornadoes in the mid-west that killed several people today. Is it caused by global climate change? I'm not convinced.
Remember in yesterday's post that I wrote about Carolyn going to the doctor? Well, she suffered an allergic reaction to the medicine that was prescribed, and I had to take her to the emergency room at midnight last night to get treatment for the reaction. I felt bad about it, because I was the one that talked her into going to the doctor yesterday. At least we know she can't take that particular medicine again.
We didn't get in to the bed until after 0200 hours this morning, so we slept in a little in an effort to rest. It was at least 1000 hours before we started doing anything at all, and Carolyn took it easy all day in an effort to get to feeling better.
Our old printer bit the dust yesterday. Since I needed to go to the drugstore to get Carolyn a new prescription (I hope this one works), I decided to stop at the WalMart Mall to see what they had. I found a new printer that cost $49.00, and the ink for it is about half the price of the old printer. On top of that, I had a gift card for $40.00, so once that was applied to the price, the printer only cost us $9.00.
When I installed the new printer, I couldn't get it to print what I wanted. Looking at the trouble shooting directions, I found that I needed to do all sorts of things in an effort to find out what was wrong. To make a long story short, I found that the printer wouldn't print a document for me if we were connected to the Internet. When the Internet was disconnected, the document printed with no problems at all. I don't know what causes that anomaly, because it would seem that the Internet wouldn't stop the printer from working.
This has been a good year for us in many ways, but also a trying year at times. We tend to be the type of people who prefer to concentrate on the good things that happen to us versus the bad things. We're thankful that we have our family and friends, and look forward to seeing them every chance we get. Rather than be selfish and say what we would like for ourselves in the new year, let me say that I hope our country begins to find it's way out of the mess that it is in. I think all of us would be better off if that were to happen.
Finally, Carolyn and I wish everyone good health and prosperity and A Happy New Year.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Bastrop, Texas: The Heart Of The Colorado
Not all who wander are lost.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Carolyn Went To The Doctor
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 50 degrees, cloudy skies
As predicted, the warmer weather has taken care of the the last of the snow. Will there be enough for the kids to build snowmen again before winter is over? I wouldn't be surprised.
Terri and Thomas left for Tuscaloosa and home today, but not before helping us polish off the rest of the homemade soup from last night. We enjoyed having them here for the holiday, and the house was just a tad too quiet for us when they left. Of course, it's the type of thing that you bear up to. Wouldn't it be great if families could still stay in one place as a family unit, instead of being spread all over creation making a living?
Carolyn has been fighting a terrible cold all week, and once Terri and Thomas were gone, it seemed that her reserves went with them. She was about as sick as she has been, and I was finally able to talk her in to going to see a doctor. She has an upper respiratory infection, so she got a shot and some antibiotics which we hope will start giving her some relief before long.
Our printer bit the dust today, so we're going to be looking for one. It's been a long time since we have needed a new printer, so I guess I'll have to educate myself as I did on the televisions before buying them. Terri gave me a gift card for one of the major electronics stores, so maybe I'll be able to find what I'm looking for at that store. Hmmm. Should I buy a wireless one or continue using one that hooks up to the computer?
We put the tree away today, along with the few Christmas decorations that we still have. Maybe when Carolyn feels better, we can take a trip in to town and take advantage of some of the after holiday sales.
That's about it from here. Hopefully, Carolyn will start feeling better, and we will get back into a little bit of a routine. Such as road trips.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Canton, North Carolina: Where The Mountains Kiss The Sky
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 50 degrees, cloudy skies
As predicted, the warmer weather has taken care of the the last of the snow. Will there be enough for the kids to build snowmen again before winter is over? I wouldn't be surprised.
Terri and Thomas left for Tuscaloosa and home today, but not before helping us polish off the rest of the homemade soup from last night. We enjoyed having them here for the holiday, and the house was just a tad too quiet for us when they left. Of course, it's the type of thing that you bear up to. Wouldn't it be great if families could still stay in one place as a family unit, instead of being spread all over creation making a living?
Carolyn has been fighting a terrible cold all week, and once Terri and Thomas were gone, it seemed that her reserves went with them. She was about as sick as she has been, and I was finally able to talk her in to going to see a doctor. She has an upper respiratory infection, so she got a shot and some antibiotics which we hope will start giving her some relief before long.
Our printer bit the dust today, so we're going to be looking for one. It's been a long time since we have needed a new printer, so I guess I'll have to educate myself as I did on the televisions before buying them. Terri gave me a gift card for one of the major electronics stores, so maybe I'll be able to find what I'm looking for at that store. Hmmm. Should I buy a wireless one or continue using one that hooks up to the computer?
We put the tree away today, along with the few Christmas decorations that we still have. Maybe when Carolyn feels better, we can take a trip in to town and take advantage of some of the after holiday sales.
That's about it from here. Hopefully, Carolyn will start feeling better, and we will get back into a little bit of a routine. Such as road trips.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Canton, North Carolina: Where The Mountains Kiss The Sky
Not all who wander are lost.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Jerald Was Sick
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 35 degrees, high 45 degrees, cloudy with misty rain until late afternoon, then clear skies
Carolyn slept better last night, even though she had to stay on the couch to do it. The couch allowed her to prop herself up in a way that stopped her cough, and she slept for most of the night. Maybe she's made the turn toward getting better.
I, on the other hand, did not sleep for most of the night. I felt like the symptoms for the pneumonia I had in Florida were coming back. Difficulty in breathing along with pain in the lungs. Scary feeling, and when the doctors opened this morning, I called and got an appointment. The office I went to is only about a mile away, and I was pleasantly surprised by this country office.
The people working in the office all seemed to have my best interest at heart, and got me in to see the doctor as soon as possible. When the doctor came in to see me, he allowed me to tell him about my symptoms, as well as the problems I had with pneumonia. Then, he went in to action, doing a detailed examination. He found that I had a rattle in my left lung, along with chest congestion and a runny nose. Before I left the office, I had received an injection in each hip, and three prescriptions including an antibiotic for the lung issue.
The doctor told me that if I didn't feel much better tomorrow to give him a call. Well, based on how I feel right now, I won't have to call him. I feel much better than I did this morning, and the pain in my lung is going away. I think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
To top off the office visit, the doctor recommended a new cardiac specialist to me to help me with some maintenance stuff with my heart. It's great to live in a small town, especially one with people as friendly and helpful as these are.
Today was the day that I prepared my famous vegetable soup. Luckily, I was feeling better by the time it needed to be cooked. I have been making it for about 40 years, adapted from an old family recipe. To me, the best thing to go with the soup is some corn bread that I bake in an iron skillet. Needless to say, the soup and bread were a big hit for supper. And, what's even better is that there was enough left for lunch tomorrow.
With trying to get us feeling better, the supper was about all we accomplished today. It looks like we're getting there on feeling better. Now, maybe we can get out and do some roaming around.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Cuero, Texas: Turkeyfest Capital of Texas
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 35 degrees, high 45 degrees, cloudy with misty rain until late afternoon, then clear skies
Carolyn slept better last night, even though she had to stay on the couch to do it. The couch allowed her to prop herself up in a way that stopped her cough, and she slept for most of the night. Maybe she's made the turn toward getting better.
I, on the other hand, did not sleep for most of the night. I felt like the symptoms for the pneumonia I had in Florida were coming back. Difficulty in breathing along with pain in the lungs. Scary feeling, and when the doctors opened this morning, I called and got an appointment. The office I went to is only about a mile away, and I was pleasantly surprised by this country office.
The people working in the office all seemed to have my best interest at heart, and got me in to see the doctor as soon as possible. When the doctor came in to see me, he allowed me to tell him about my symptoms, as well as the problems I had with pneumonia. Then, he went in to action, doing a detailed examination. He found that I had a rattle in my left lung, along with chest congestion and a runny nose. Before I left the office, I had received an injection in each hip, and three prescriptions including an antibiotic for the lung issue.
The doctor told me that if I didn't feel much better tomorrow to give him a call. Well, based on how I feel right now, I won't have to call him. I feel much better than I did this morning, and the pain in my lung is going away. I think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
To top off the office visit, the doctor recommended a new cardiac specialist to me to help me with some maintenance stuff with my heart. It's great to live in a small town, especially one with people as friendly and helpful as these are.
Today was the day that I prepared my famous vegetable soup. Luckily, I was feeling better by the time it needed to be cooked. I have been making it for about 40 years, adapted from an old family recipe. To me, the best thing to go with the soup is some corn bread that I bake in an iron skillet. Needless to say, the soup and bread were a big hit for supper. And, what's even better is that there was enough left for lunch tomorrow.
With trying to get us feeling better, the supper was about all we accomplished today. It looks like we're getting there on feeling better. Now, maybe we can get out and do some roaming around.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Cuero, Texas: Turkeyfest Capital of Texas
Not all who wander are lost.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Carolyn's Rotten Cold
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 20 degrees, high 44 degrees, clear skies
It's hard to believe after the weather warming up like it has the last two days, but we still have snow on the ground from the weekend snow. Tomorrow will probably finish it off, and if it doesn't, we have some rain coming in on Thursday that will.
The word for today in the home base was sick. As in Carolyn being sick with a rotten cold that had her up all night. Unable to sleep because of coughing and all the things that go with a bad cold, she spent most of the night on the couch in the living room. She finally got to sleep just before daylight. She spent the day wrapped up in blankets and sleeping, until about mid-afternoon, when she felt better. At that point, she felt well enough to get her crsfting stuff out so she could show Terri how to make some Christmas decorations. We'll see if the cold is starting to get better. Of course, all of us are probably going to get one now.
With Carolyn sick, I did the laundry and all the cooking for the day. That should give you some idea how bad Carolyn felt, because she doesn't like to think that someone else is doing her work. She had no problem with me doing it today. It's like I told her about the surgery I'm having on my wrist next week. Usually, I wash the dishes, but while my wrist is getting over the surgery, she'll be doing the dishes. So, we share the household chores, doing whatever needs to be done.
The truck was started for the first time since Friday, as I needed to drive to the Piggly Wiggly about a mile away for a few groceries. It wasn't even far enough to warm the heater up. I think that's a new low for miles for the truck in the last four years.
The bad weather, combined with Carolyn getting sick, has kept us at home the last few days. I told Terri that we were hoping to get out do some roaming while she and Thomas were here, but she said she didn't mind staying at home. I think she likes Mom and Dad taking care of everything.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Bellville, Texas: Where Small Town Living Is Still A Way Of Life, Cowboys Are Still Cowboys, And Children Can Still Be Children
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 20 degrees, high 44 degrees, clear skies
It's hard to believe after the weather warming up like it has the last two days, but we still have snow on the ground from the weekend snow. Tomorrow will probably finish it off, and if it doesn't, we have some rain coming in on Thursday that will.
The word for today in the home base was sick. As in Carolyn being sick with a rotten cold that had her up all night. Unable to sleep because of coughing and all the things that go with a bad cold, she spent most of the night on the couch in the living room. She finally got to sleep just before daylight. She spent the day wrapped up in blankets and sleeping, until about mid-afternoon, when she felt better. At that point, she felt well enough to get her crsfting stuff out so she could show Terri how to make some Christmas decorations. We'll see if the cold is starting to get better. Of course, all of us are probably going to get one now.
With Carolyn sick, I did the laundry and all the cooking for the day. That should give you some idea how bad Carolyn felt, because she doesn't like to think that someone else is doing her work. She had no problem with me doing it today. It's like I told her about the surgery I'm having on my wrist next week. Usually, I wash the dishes, but while my wrist is getting over the surgery, she'll be doing the dishes. So, we share the household chores, doing whatever needs to be done.
The truck was started for the first time since Friday, as I needed to drive to the Piggly Wiggly about a mile away for a few groceries. It wasn't even far enough to warm the heater up. I think that's a new low for miles for the truck in the last four years.
The bad weather, combined with Carolyn getting sick, has kept us at home the last few days. I told Terri that we were hoping to get out do some roaming while she and Thomas were here, but she said she didn't mind staying at home. I think she likes Mom and Dad taking care of everything.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Bellville, Texas: Where Small Town Living Is Still A Way Of Life, Cowboys Are Still Cowboys, And Children Can Still Be Children
Not all who wander are lost.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Return Visit To Sweet Pepper Deli
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 20 degrees, high 36 degrees, mostly clear skies
The weather started a little warming trend today, as the bright sun and warmer temperatures combined to melt much of the snow. After tomorrow, just about all the snow of the last three days will be gone.
Remember me posting about how much food we had left over after the Christmas Day meal? Well, I started doing something with it today. Some went in to the freezer, some went in the garbage, and Thomas continued to vacuum down the food that was still in the refrigerator. Have you ever noticed how much food a 14 year old boy can eat? He is about 6' 3" tall now, and at the rate he is growing, he will be at least 6' 7". He is as skinny as a fence rail, so when he starts filling out, he will be some kind of man. It does me good to see him eat like he does, since I don't have the appetite I used to.
Carolyn said she was tired of eating Christmas leftovers, and wanted to get out of the house for the first time in three days. We decided to go to the Sweet Pepper Deli to get one of their excellent sandwiches. In the past, the deli was covered up with people by 1130 hours, but when we walked in there today, we were the only customers. I guess most people were still hungover from the holiday.
Terri and Thomas had not been to the deli before, so we guided them a little in what they should get. I ordered my old standby, a Reuben Panini on pumpernickel bread with cole slaw. Everyone else got different things, and from the way they carried on about the sandwiches, they were good. Thomas was the only one to finish his lunch (naturally), so three of us took half of our sandwiches home for supper.
When we left the deli, we drove out to visit Roger and Judy and take back some of their dishes from the Christmas Day meal. Roger has been suffering from a respiratory problem, so he had been lazing around all day, trying to feel better. We had a good visit, laughing and talking about any number of things. I hope the visit helped Roger feel better.
By the time we got back home, everyone but Thomas was ready for a nap or meditation. The rest of the day was spent reading, watching television, and surfing the web. And, napping and meditating. I guess everyone knows I was the one meditating. Carolyn and Terri were napping.
All in all, another nice day to help recover from the excesses of the holiday.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Flagstaff, Arizona: The Mile And A Quarter High City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 20 degrees, high 36 degrees, mostly clear skies
The weather started a little warming trend today, as the bright sun and warmer temperatures combined to melt much of the snow. After tomorrow, just about all the snow of the last three days will be gone.
Remember me posting about how much food we had left over after the Christmas Day meal? Well, I started doing something with it today. Some went in to the freezer, some went in the garbage, and Thomas continued to vacuum down the food that was still in the refrigerator. Have you ever noticed how much food a 14 year old boy can eat? He is about 6' 3" tall now, and at the rate he is growing, he will be at least 6' 7". He is as skinny as a fence rail, so when he starts filling out, he will be some kind of man. It does me good to see him eat like he does, since I don't have the appetite I used to.
Carolyn said she was tired of eating Christmas leftovers, and wanted to get out of the house for the first time in three days. We decided to go to the Sweet Pepper Deli to get one of their excellent sandwiches. In the past, the deli was covered up with people by 1130 hours, but when we walked in there today, we were the only customers. I guess most people were still hungover from the holiday.
Terri and Thomas had not been to the deli before, so we guided them a little in what they should get. I ordered my old standby, a Reuben Panini on pumpernickel bread with cole slaw. Everyone else got different things, and from the way they carried on about the sandwiches, they were good. Thomas was the only one to finish his lunch (naturally), so three of us took half of our sandwiches home for supper.
When we left the deli, we drove out to visit Roger and Judy and take back some of their dishes from the Christmas Day meal. Roger has been suffering from a respiratory problem, so he had been lazing around all day, trying to feel better. We had a good visit, laughing and talking about any number of things. I hope the visit helped Roger feel better.
By the time we got back home, everyone but Thomas was ready for a nap or meditation. The rest of the day was spent reading, watching television, and surfing the web. And, napping and meditating. I guess everyone knows I was the one meditating. Carolyn and Terri were napping.
All in all, another nice day to help recover from the excesses of the holiday.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Flagstaff, Arizona: The Mile And A Quarter High City
Not all who wander are lost.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Slow Day After Christmas
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 19 degrees, high 29 degrees, cloudy skies, windy, snow
The snow continued here today, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. There were not as many people stirring outside in it today, as I think most people are going through post-Christmas laziness. I think we all needed a slow day, after being so busy leading up to the holiday.
The leftover food got hit hard today, but there's still plenty left. We'll freeze what's left for a day when we don't want to cook. I think our imaginations got carried away with us when we planned the menu. Plus, Judy brought over a lot of food. Maybe we were planning for surprise visitors that never showed up. If they had, no one would have gone hungry. I think we could have fed 20 people with no problems at all.
As I'm writing the blog, I'm listening to Pandora radio with Rodney Crowell, The Eagles, Eric Clapton, John Lennon....... Great music that seems to be ageless to me. Tapping along to the beat, I have to go back and correct my typing from time to temi, I mean time. See what I mean?
Thomas spent the day playing his new Play Station 3 game system. He received several new games with the system, including NCAA Football 11, Mafia 2, and others that I'm not familiar with. I let him set the system up in our bedroom, where he could play all he wanted and not tie up the television in the living room. Plus, he could use the easy chair in the bedroom. Pretty good digs for playing games. I think the only thing that would have made it better for him was if Julian and Zoe had been here.
Terri did a lot of reading and watching television, as did Carolyn and I. I think we overdosed on Orange County Choppers. Carolyn is fighting a cold that's trying to get her down. She has a sore throat and a little cough with the sniffles. I guess being out with all the shoppers caught up with her.
The truck probably thinks I've forgotten her. This is the second day in a row that I haven't started her up, and I may not do it tomorrow. She's been working hard, and deserves a break. Just like me.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Florence, South Carolina: FLO
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 19 degrees, high 29 degrees, cloudy skies, windy, snow
The snow continued here today, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. There were not as many people stirring outside in it today, as I think most people are going through post-Christmas laziness. I think we all needed a slow day, after being so busy leading up to the holiday.
The leftover food got hit hard today, but there's still plenty left. We'll freeze what's left for a day when we don't want to cook. I think our imaginations got carried away with us when we planned the menu. Plus, Judy brought over a lot of food. Maybe we were planning for surprise visitors that never showed up. If they had, no one would have gone hungry. I think we could have fed 20 people with no problems at all.
As I'm writing the blog, I'm listening to Pandora radio with Rodney Crowell, The Eagles, Eric Clapton, John Lennon....... Great music that seems to be ageless to me. Tapping along to the beat, I have to go back and correct my typing from time to temi, I mean time. See what I mean?
Thomas spent the day playing his new Play Station 3 game system. He received several new games with the system, including NCAA Football 11, Mafia 2, and others that I'm not familiar with. I let him set the system up in our bedroom, where he could play all he wanted and not tie up the television in the living room. Plus, he could use the easy chair in the bedroom. Pretty good digs for playing games. I think the only thing that would have made it better for him was if Julian and Zoe had been here.
Terri did a lot of reading and watching television, as did Carolyn and I. I think we overdosed on Orange County Choppers. Carolyn is fighting a cold that's trying to get her down. She has a sore throat and a little cough with the sniffles. I guess being out with all the shoppers caught up with her.
The truck probably thinks I've forgotten her. This is the second day in a row that I haven't started her up, and I may not do it tomorrow. She's been working hard, and deserves a break. Just like me.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Florence, South Carolina: FLO
Not all who wander are lost.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
White Christmas
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 27 degrees, high 33 degrees, cloudy, SNOW!!!!!!!!!
Here's what we got up to this Christmas morning. And a fine morning it was.

At the time this picture was taken, there was about two inches of snow on the ground. The snow continued most of the day, and by the time it was dark, about 3 to 4 inches had accumulated. The white stuff is supposed to continue tonight and in to tomorrow morning. Perfect weather for the first Christmas in the new home base.
We had Judy, Roger, and Traci here for lunch. Terri and Thomas were supposed to be here, but Terri had to drive from Tuscaloosa, and people were being advised to stay off the highway unless they had to be there. Finally, Terri left Tuscaloosa about 1400 hours, and managed to get here before I-65 was closed. She got here about 1700 hours, and it was a happy time seeing her and Thomas. Judy and her family were still here, so it was like a family reunion.
Our daughters know what we like to get for Christmas, and they outdid themselves this year. Here's an example of what we got.

Books, books, and more books. Plus - CHOCOLATE!!

Note that those are 42 ounce bags. I can see a chocolate overload coming on. That was just a sample of the chocolate that we got, as there was also Godiva and Dove chocolates. If I was still a teenager, I would be breaking out in acne just looking at it.
All the work I went through to get the wireless router working paid off, as Terri was able to get on the Internet with the router using her I-phone. She was impressed with the speed, and both of us were using the router at the same time with no noticeable slowdown in speed. I like it when a plan works. Even if it was so hard to get to work.
It was a good day for us that could only have been improved if Lori and her family could have been here. Maybe next year. In the meantime, we're grateful for being able to spend the holiday with Judy and her family for the first time in about 20 years.
I want to reiterate again how much we appreciate all the people in the armed forces who are spending the holidays away from family.
Merry Christmas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Abilene, Texas: A Whole Lotta Texas Going On
Not all who wander are lost.
More later, be safe.
Weather: low 27 degrees, high 33 degrees, cloudy, SNOW!!!!!!!!!
Here's what we got up to this Christmas morning. And a fine morning it was.

At the time this picture was taken, there was about two inches of snow on the ground. The snow continued most of the day, and by the time it was dark, about 3 to 4 inches had accumulated. The white stuff is supposed to continue tonight and in to tomorrow morning. Perfect weather for the first Christmas in the new home base.
We had Judy, Roger, and Traci here for lunch. Terri and Thomas were supposed to be here, but Terri had to drive from Tuscaloosa, and people were being advised to stay off the highway unless they had to be there. Finally, Terri left Tuscaloosa about 1400 hours, and managed to get here before I-65 was closed. She got here about 1700 hours, and it was a happy time seeing her and Thomas. Judy and her family were still here, so it was like a family reunion.
Our daughters know what we like to get for Christmas, and they outdid themselves this year. Here's an example of what we got.

Books, books, and more books. Plus - CHOCOLATE!!

Note that those are 42 ounce bags. I can see a chocolate overload coming on. That was just a sample of the chocolate that we got, as there was also Godiva and Dove chocolates. If I was still a teenager, I would be breaking out in acne just looking at it.
All the work I went through to get the wireless router working paid off, as Terri was able to get on the Internet with the router using her I-phone. She was impressed with the speed, and both of us were using the router at the same time with no noticeable slowdown in speed. I like it when a plan works. Even if it was so hard to get to work.
It was a good day for us that could only have been improved if Lori and her family could have been here. Maybe next year. In the meantime, we're grateful for being able to spend the holiday with Judy and her family for the first time in about 20 years.
I want to reiterate again how much we appreciate all the people in the armed forces who are spending the holidays away from family.
Merry Christmas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Abilene, Texas: A Whole Lotta Texas Going On
Not all who wander are lost.
More later, be safe.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Preps For Christmas Day
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 43 degrees, partly cloudy skies
There is a possibility that we could have a white Christmas here in Elkmont. The forecast is for up to 1.5 inches of snow, which may or may not stick to the ground. It reminds me of the snowy Christmas we had in Bay City, Texas, in 2004, the last year we had a stick house. About 14 inches of snow fell the night before Christmas Day, and this is what we woke up to.

We thought it was beautiful. The grandkids had a ball, and the adults enjoyed it, too.
Carolyn had a visit from Santa Claus today. He delivered some beautiful roses.

Several years ago, our sister-in-law Kathy made and gave Carolyn a wall hanging for Christmas. Here it is hanging on the front door. Isn't it nice?

Carolyn says thank you, again, Kathy.
We (as in Carolyn, with a little help from me) spent a good part of the day preparing for the Christmas feast that will take place tomorrow. Smoked turkey, cornbread dressing, squash casserole (recipe from my sister Janie many years ago), were prepared, and preps were made to cook other good things tomorrow. My sister Judy and her family are coming, as are Terri and Thomas. On top of all the stuff that we will have, Judy is bringing more food. My mouth is watering to think of all the good food we'll have tomorrow and a few days after. Sometimes, the leftovers are the best part.
About 1900 hours tonight, we received a surprise visit from the people who live diagonally across the street from us. They brought homemade cookies and introduced themselves as the people who were the first owners of the new home base. We had a very nice conversation with the lady and her two daughters, ages 10 and 13. They filled us in on the history of the subdivision and house, and invited us to their church. Nice folks.
Our country has been through a rough 2-3 years recently. I get the feeling, however, that things are going to start getting better. In this time of the year, it's important for us to remember what the season is about.
While we're opening gifts and eating good food on Christmas Day, think about all the people in the armed services who are away from home helping protect our way of life and keep us safe.
Merry Christmas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Alpine, Texas: Hub Of The Big Bend
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 43 degrees, partly cloudy skies
There is a possibility that we could have a white Christmas here in Elkmont. The forecast is for up to 1.5 inches of snow, which may or may not stick to the ground. It reminds me of the snowy Christmas we had in Bay City, Texas, in 2004, the last year we had a stick house. About 14 inches of snow fell the night before Christmas Day, and this is what we woke up to.

We thought it was beautiful. The grandkids had a ball, and the adults enjoyed it, too.
Carolyn had a visit from Santa Claus today. He delivered some beautiful roses.

Several years ago, our sister-in-law Kathy made and gave Carolyn a wall hanging for Christmas. Here it is hanging on the front door. Isn't it nice?

Carolyn says thank you, again, Kathy.
We (as in Carolyn, with a little help from me) spent a good part of the day preparing for the Christmas feast that will take place tomorrow. Smoked turkey, cornbread dressing, squash casserole (recipe from my sister Janie many years ago), were prepared, and preps were made to cook other good things tomorrow. My sister Judy and her family are coming, as are Terri and Thomas. On top of all the stuff that we will have, Judy is bringing more food. My mouth is watering to think of all the good food we'll have tomorrow and a few days after. Sometimes, the leftovers are the best part.
About 1900 hours tonight, we received a surprise visit from the people who live diagonally across the street from us. They brought homemade cookies and introduced themselves as the people who were the first owners of the new home base. We had a very nice conversation with the lady and her two daughters, ages 10 and 13. They filled us in on the history of the subdivision and house, and invited us to their church. Nice folks.
Our country has been through a rough 2-3 years recently. I get the feeling, however, that things are going to start getting better. In this time of the year, it's important for us to remember what the season is about.
While we're opening gifts and eating good food on Christmas Day, think about all the people in the armed services who are away from home helping protect our way of life and keep us safe.
Merry Christmas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Alpine, Texas: Hub Of The Big Bend
Not all who wander are lost.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Achey, Achey Wrist
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 43 degrees, clear skies
Remember the problem I was having with connecting to the Internet with the wireless router I bought? After several days of trying to get it to work, I finally called tech support yesterday. As I wrote in last night's post, the tech helped me get the router working while he was on the telephone. BUT, there's more to the story. After I finished with the tech and put the computer to sleep for several hours, I was unable to connect to the Internet. That was so frustrating. I gave up on the router and hooked the computer up to the cable coming out of the wall and got the blog posted.
Later in the night, I couldn't stop thinking about why the router was working, and then didn't. Going through all the steps that the tech on the other side of the world did to help me get working, I came to the conclusion that he hadn't told me everything. So, what did he not tell me? If I couldn't get online with the router, it meant the router was not logged in. I logged back in on the router, and I had a working wireless router again. Maybe that knowledge is intuitive for some people, but I never claimed to be a geek. Will wonders never cease?
I have been having severe pain in my left wrist for quite some time. The pain is bad enough that it will wake me from a sound sleep. The hand has also been going numb, which is really bothersome.
In May, I saw a doctor for the problem while we were in Texas. The doctor said I had strained tendons and ligaments, and treated the problem with an injection. The wrist and hand got better, but in September, the pain started coming back. At this time, it seems even worse than it was in May.
Today, I had an appointment to see a doctor in Huntsville about the problem. He listened to my complaints, and then went right to the source of the pain. By the time he got through examining my wrist and hand, I was ready to climb the wall. One good thing is that the doctor and I got along fine. The most important thing is that he knows what the problem is, and it can be repaired. I am scheduled for outpatient surgery on the wrist on January 3, and the doctor says in a matter of just a few weeks, the wrist will be as good as new. I'll settle for the pain going away. In any case, I'm glad to find out what the problem is, and I would have the surgery tomorrow, if possible.
When I got home from the doctor's appointment, Carolyn said she wanted to go to town to shop at Publix. Even though I was tired from the long drive to Huntsville and back, I took her because I'm glad to see her wanting to get out.
The store was crowded with people buying their holiday meal stuff. Carolyn likes to shop at Publix, but all the hustle and bustle and noise got her vertigo acting up. By the time we left, she was having to use the grocery cart to hang on to so she wouldn't fall. Folks, if you don't have vertigo, thank your lucky stars. It is one of the worse things that can happen to a person who likes to be active.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Gordo, Alabama: Fat City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 43 degrees, clear skies
Remember the problem I was having with connecting to the Internet with the wireless router I bought? After several days of trying to get it to work, I finally called tech support yesterday. As I wrote in last night's post, the tech helped me get the router working while he was on the telephone. BUT, there's more to the story. After I finished with the tech and put the computer to sleep for several hours, I was unable to connect to the Internet. That was so frustrating. I gave up on the router and hooked the computer up to the cable coming out of the wall and got the blog posted.
Later in the night, I couldn't stop thinking about why the router was working, and then didn't. Going through all the steps that the tech on the other side of the world did to help me get working, I came to the conclusion that he hadn't told me everything. So, what did he not tell me? If I couldn't get online with the router, it meant the router was not logged in. I logged back in on the router, and I had a working wireless router again. Maybe that knowledge is intuitive for some people, but I never claimed to be a geek. Will wonders never cease?
I have been having severe pain in my left wrist for quite some time. The pain is bad enough that it will wake me from a sound sleep. The hand has also been going numb, which is really bothersome.
In May, I saw a doctor for the problem while we were in Texas. The doctor said I had strained tendons and ligaments, and treated the problem with an injection. The wrist and hand got better, but in September, the pain started coming back. At this time, it seems even worse than it was in May.
Today, I had an appointment to see a doctor in Huntsville about the problem. He listened to my complaints, and then went right to the source of the pain. By the time he got through examining my wrist and hand, I was ready to climb the wall. One good thing is that the doctor and I got along fine. The most important thing is that he knows what the problem is, and it can be repaired. I am scheduled for outpatient surgery on the wrist on January 3, and the doctor says in a matter of just a few weeks, the wrist will be as good as new. I'll settle for the pain going away. In any case, I'm glad to find out what the problem is, and I would have the surgery tomorrow, if possible.
When I got home from the doctor's appointment, Carolyn said she wanted to go to town to shop at Publix. Even though I was tired from the long drive to Huntsville and back, I took her because I'm glad to see her wanting to get out.
The store was crowded with people buying their holiday meal stuff. Carolyn likes to shop at Publix, but all the hustle and bustle and noise got her vertigo acting up. By the time we left, she was having to use the grocery cart to hang on to so she wouldn't fall. Folks, if you don't have vertigo, thank your lucky stars. It is one of the worse things that can happen to a person who likes to be active.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Gordo, Alabama: Fat City
Not all who wander are lost.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Gas Log Installed
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 45 degrees, cloudy in the morning, then partly cloudy in the afternoon
Yesterday was the first official day of winter. For some reason, it seems like we've been in cold weather for the last two months.
This was the first day in several that Carolyn didn't want to go anywhere. Only one problem: she had an appointment for an x-ray that the doctor in Texas ordered as part of her yearly physical. About 1000 hours, we drove in to Athens to the radiology office, where Carolyn spent about 45 minutes doing paper work and getting the X-ray. She said most of the time was spent filling out papers. I guess that's part of the new and improved health care that Congress passed for us this year.
Knowing that Carolyn didn't want to leave home today, I decided to treat her to lunch as a reward for being a good girl. We stopped by Logan's Roadhouse, which was the first time we had been to one of them in several years. We should have gone somewhere else. We ordered hamburgers, and Carolyn's was not cooked like she asked. In other words, it was not killed dead, dead, dead. My hamburger didn't have much taste, and we had to pay extra for fries. It was a disappointing meal.
On the way home, we received a call from the gas company letting us know that they were at the home base ready to install the gas log. We told them we would be there in ten minutes, don't leave. A couple of hours later, the gas log was installed and we had some radiant heat that we can actually feel. A real difference is felt, and it will be even better when we learn to use the gas log to it's potential. It's just in time for more cold weather for Christmas and several days afterward. Snow is also expected on Saturday, but it's uncertain whether there will be enough to call it a white Christmas.
We seemed to run out of energy when the gas folks left, so the next hour or so was spent zoning out. We did more trouble shooting to see why the router wasn't working, but weren't any more successful today than yesterday. Finally, I called Tech Support on the other side of the world where I was able to actually get the router working. Then, I went away from the computer for a couple of hours, only to find that when I went back to use it that the router was not working. Arrrrrgh!!!! What is going on???
I'll deal with it tomorrow.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Columbiana, Alabama: Embracing The Future, While Preserving The Past
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 36 degrees, high 45 degrees, cloudy in the morning, then partly cloudy in the afternoon
Yesterday was the first official day of winter. For some reason, it seems like we've been in cold weather for the last two months.
This was the first day in several that Carolyn didn't want to go anywhere. Only one problem: she had an appointment for an x-ray that the doctor in Texas ordered as part of her yearly physical. About 1000 hours, we drove in to Athens to the radiology office, where Carolyn spent about 45 minutes doing paper work and getting the X-ray. She said most of the time was spent filling out papers. I guess that's part of the new and improved health care that Congress passed for us this year.
Knowing that Carolyn didn't want to leave home today, I decided to treat her to lunch as a reward for being a good girl. We stopped by Logan's Roadhouse, which was the first time we had been to one of them in several years. We should have gone somewhere else. We ordered hamburgers, and Carolyn's was not cooked like she asked. In other words, it was not killed dead, dead, dead. My hamburger didn't have much taste, and we had to pay extra for fries. It was a disappointing meal.
On the way home, we received a call from the gas company letting us know that they were at the home base ready to install the gas log. We told them we would be there in ten minutes, don't leave. A couple of hours later, the gas log was installed and we had some radiant heat that we can actually feel. A real difference is felt, and it will be even better when we learn to use the gas log to it's potential. It's just in time for more cold weather for Christmas and several days afterward. Snow is also expected on Saturday, but it's uncertain whether there will be enough to call it a white Christmas.
We seemed to run out of energy when the gas folks left, so the next hour or so was spent zoning out. We did more trouble shooting to see why the router wasn't working, but weren't any more successful today than yesterday. Finally, I called Tech Support on the other side of the world where I was able to actually get the router working. Then, I went away from the computer for a couple of hours, only to find that when I went back to use it that the router was not working. Arrrrrgh!!!! What is going on???
I'll deal with it tomorrow.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Columbiana, Alabama: Embracing The Future, While Preserving The Past
Not all who wander are lost.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Busy, Busy Day
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 35 degrees, high 58 degrees, cloudy skies
What a busy day it was for us! But first, here's a picture of the chaos I have created trying to carry geekiness too far. Just when I thought that I was getting to the point in my continuing quest for knowledge in computer literacy and all things electronic that I thought I knew what I was doing, I bought a wireless router for the Internet so company would be able to access the Internet from any place in the house. After two days of trying to get the dad gummed router to work, this is the mess that I have made. Carolyn is not happy about this mess. I've got to get this straightened out soon.

The router doesn't seem to be picking up the signal coming in to it, so that naturally means the signal can't get to the computer. Arrrghhh!
Last Christmas, Terri gave me a mouse pad that's pretty special to me. My grandkids call me Pop Pop, and the mouse pad has a label that's self-explanatory.

Terri and Lori are my two daughters. They gave us three special grandchildren, Julian, Zoe, and Thomas. We have been blessed.
This is the first year that we have put up a fairly normal tree in about six years. Carolyn did this one day while I was away from the home base. There's not much on it, but we feel fortunate to be able to do this much. Note that there's only one package so far. More on the way.

As I said earlier, this was a busy day. We had some companies come out and give us estimates on installing rain gutters. Once the estimates were all in, it was easy to pick the company that we wanted to use, and the work will be performed a week from tomorrow.
The next thing we did was meet with the gas company at the home base about installing a gas log for us. The gas company people looked at our situation and made a recommendation that we accepted. In the process, I was able to bargain with them a little, and that gave us some savings on the yearly rental of the storage tank. They will be back tomorrow afternoon to install the system. I'm ready!!
Once all that was done, Carolyn said she wanted to go to town to do some more shopping. Have I created a shopping monster? It doesn't matter, because I'm glad to see her doing as much as she is.
Our last stop in town was at K-Mart, which we had not been to in several years. It was a nice surprise to find that not much has changed, and we were able to find just about everything that Carolyn was looking for. I think we'll probably be doing more shopping there.
The good news in all this activity is that Carolyn did not have a vertigo attack. She doesn't have many days like today, and we're thankful for them when they do occur.
To top the day off, we had a nice supper of baked chicken, dressing, English peas, and cranberry sauce. Ummmm, Boy!!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Brownwood, Texas: “Feels Like Home”
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 35 degrees, high 58 degrees, cloudy skies
What a busy day it was for us! But first, here's a picture of the chaos I have created trying to carry geekiness too far. Just when I thought that I was getting to the point in my continuing quest for knowledge in computer literacy and all things electronic that I thought I knew what I was doing, I bought a wireless router for the Internet so company would be able to access the Internet from any place in the house. After two days of trying to get the dad gummed router to work, this is the mess that I have made. Carolyn is not happy about this mess. I've got to get this straightened out soon.

The router doesn't seem to be picking up the signal coming in to it, so that naturally means the signal can't get to the computer. Arrrghhh!
Last Christmas, Terri gave me a mouse pad that's pretty special to me. My grandkids call me Pop Pop, and the mouse pad has a label that's self-explanatory.

Terri and Lori are my two daughters. They gave us three special grandchildren, Julian, Zoe, and Thomas. We have been blessed.
This is the first year that we have put up a fairly normal tree in about six years. Carolyn did this one day while I was away from the home base. There's not much on it, but we feel fortunate to be able to do this much. Note that there's only one package so far. More on the way.

As I said earlier, this was a busy day. We had some companies come out and give us estimates on installing rain gutters. Once the estimates were all in, it was easy to pick the company that we wanted to use, and the work will be performed a week from tomorrow.
The next thing we did was meet with the gas company at the home base about installing a gas log for us. The gas company people looked at our situation and made a recommendation that we accepted. In the process, I was able to bargain with them a little, and that gave us some savings on the yearly rental of the storage tank. They will be back tomorrow afternoon to install the system. I'm ready!!
Once all that was done, Carolyn said she wanted to go to town to do some more shopping. Have I created a shopping monster? It doesn't matter, because I'm glad to see her doing as much as she is.
Our last stop in town was at K-Mart, which we had not been to in several years. It was a nice surprise to find that not much has changed, and we were able to find just about everything that Carolyn was looking for. I think we'll probably be doing more shopping there.
The good news in all this activity is that Carolyn did not have a vertigo attack. She doesn't have many days like today, and we're thankful for them when they do occur.
To top the day off, we had a nice supper of baked chicken, dressing, English peas, and cranberry sauce. Ummmm, Boy!!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Brownwood, Texas: “Feels Like Home”
Not all who wander are lost.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Carolyn Was Out Again
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 23 degrees, high 50 degrees, clear skies
We're going to take care of the cold feeling that the heat pump creates in the new home base. Tomorrow, a gas log will be installed in the fire place to give us some radiant heat, and we should feel much warmer. I know the temperature is the same, whether a heat pump or a source of radiant heat is used. But, it doesn't feel the same. So, tomorrow night, I should be able to back up to an actual gas flame and feel the heat radiating. I'm ready! Ahhh, I love the smell of scorched denim.
When we lived here back in 1980s, we had a heat pump, but out primary source of heat was a very nice wood heater that had a cook top as well as a blower that pushed the heat throughout the house. That heater saved us several times when the weather was so bad that the power was off for days at a time. We stayed warm and were able to cook. If I was younger, I would have another wood heater installed. I guess I have to finally make a concession to age by using the gas heat. Besides, I'm getting a little lazy. At least it feels that way.
Can you believe Carolyn wanted to go shopping again? This time, she wanted to go to Huntsville, which I was a little surprised about. The traffic is usually bad over there, and we thought it might be a little worse. Boy, were we ever wrong! The traffic was a lot worse than normal. At 1100 hours, traffic was backed up like rush hour every where we went.
Our first stop was at Bed, Bath, And Beyond. It had been a while since we had been in that store, and Carolyn was disappointed that she couldn't find what she was looking for. She seems to think the quality of the stuff she was looking at had declined since the last time she had been to one of those stores.
Target was in the same shopping area, so we drove over there to see if Carolyn could find what she was looking for. She had more success there, and found several items she was wanting, including some blankets for the spare bedrooms. Terri and Thomas will be here for the holiday, so now they will have blankets to sleep under.
The next stop Carolyn wanted to make was at Sam's Club, which the GPS said was only 0.4 miles down the road. We followed the GPS directions to a..... WalMart Mall. Huh. That's not what we're looking for. Carolyn checked the GPS again, and found that two locations for Sam's were in the GPS, but it was obviously wrong for the first location we went to. The second location was punched in, and we found it was 1.4 miles east of where we were. Ten minutes later, fighting the traffic, we saw Sam's.
I had to park about 20 acres away from the store because that was the only space I could find. I hurried in to the store and found what Carolyn wanted, paid for it, and hiked back to the truck. Whew! That was the busiest Sam's that I have ever been in.
Our impression of the economy here is that the area is very prosperous. It's almost like they are thumbing their nose at the bad economy elsewhere in the country.
Leaving Sam's and starting home, we found that the traffic situation had gotten worse. It took us about 30 minutes to get away from all the traffic and get started home. By that time, Carolyn was ready to get away from it all. But, we had one more stop to make at the library in Athens so we could check out some books to read.
Carolyn says she's not going any where tomorrow. We'll see how she feels about that in the morning. I'm trying to keep her busy, and if she wants to go for a ride in the beautiful countryside around here, we'll do it.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Buffalo, New York: Boost Buffalo
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 23 degrees, high 50 degrees, clear skies
We're going to take care of the cold feeling that the heat pump creates in the new home base. Tomorrow, a gas log will be installed in the fire place to give us some radiant heat, and we should feel much warmer. I know the temperature is the same, whether a heat pump or a source of radiant heat is used. But, it doesn't feel the same. So, tomorrow night, I should be able to back up to an actual gas flame and feel the heat radiating. I'm ready! Ahhh, I love the smell of scorched denim.
When we lived here back in 1980s, we had a heat pump, but out primary source of heat was a very nice wood heater that had a cook top as well as a blower that pushed the heat throughout the house. That heater saved us several times when the weather was so bad that the power was off for days at a time. We stayed warm and were able to cook. If I was younger, I would have another wood heater installed. I guess I have to finally make a concession to age by using the gas heat. Besides, I'm getting a little lazy. At least it feels that way.
Can you believe Carolyn wanted to go shopping again? This time, she wanted to go to Huntsville, which I was a little surprised about. The traffic is usually bad over there, and we thought it might be a little worse. Boy, were we ever wrong! The traffic was a lot worse than normal. At 1100 hours, traffic was backed up like rush hour every where we went.
Our first stop was at Bed, Bath, And Beyond. It had been a while since we had been in that store, and Carolyn was disappointed that she couldn't find what she was looking for. She seems to think the quality of the stuff she was looking at had declined since the last time she had been to one of those stores.
Target was in the same shopping area, so we drove over there to see if Carolyn could find what she was looking for. She had more success there, and found several items she was wanting, including some blankets for the spare bedrooms. Terri and Thomas will be here for the holiday, so now they will have blankets to sleep under.
The next stop Carolyn wanted to make was at Sam's Club, which the GPS said was only 0.4 miles down the road. We followed the GPS directions to a..... WalMart Mall. Huh. That's not what we're looking for. Carolyn checked the GPS again, and found that two locations for Sam's were in the GPS, but it was obviously wrong for the first location we went to. The second location was punched in, and we found it was 1.4 miles east of where we were. Ten minutes later, fighting the traffic, we saw Sam's.
I had to park about 20 acres away from the store because that was the only space I could find. I hurried in to the store and found what Carolyn wanted, paid for it, and hiked back to the truck. Whew! That was the busiest Sam's that I have ever been in.
Our impression of the economy here is that the area is very prosperous. It's almost like they are thumbing their nose at the bad economy elsewhere in the country.
Leaving Sam's and starting home, we found that the traffic situation had gotten worse. It took us about 30 minutes to get away from all the traffic and get started home. By that time, Carolyn was ready to get away from it all. But, we had one more stop to make at the library in Athens so we could check out some books to read.
Carolyn says she's not going any where tomorrow. We'll see how she feels about that in the morning. I'm trying to keep her busy, and if she wants to go for a ride in the beautiful countryside around here, we'll do it.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Buffalo, New York: Boost Buffalo
Not all who wander are lost.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
New Computer Desk
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 45 degrees, clear skies
The weather was better here today, actually reaching 45 degrees. It's unusual to us to see so many people outdoors with short sleeve shirts on, and no jacket when it's still this cool. I guess the people here don't think it's cold until it gets in to the 30s. Growing up and living for many years in Florida, we thought it was cold with weather in the 50s. How times have changed.
Carolyn wanted to get out again today, especially with the weather so nice. I made sure to not take her on a long road trip, choosing instead to go to Dollar Tree to look for a couple of cheap containers for storage. The Dollar Tree store in Athens is one of the smallest ones we have seen, and they didn't have as much merchandise as we're used to seeing in those stores. Still, we managed to find what Carolyn was looking for.
Dollar Tree and Staples were the only stores Carolyn went in to, choosing to wait on me while I went to the WalMart Mall to pick up a wireless router for the computer. At Staples, she helped me (strongly suggested) pick out a computer desk. I've been looking for a desk since we got in to the new home base, and Staples had a good selection.
Has anyone out there tried to put packaged furniture together recently? I was about ready to go get an engineer to put the computer desk together, but finally figured out what I was supposed to be doing. Then we had to place the new desk in several locations before we settled on what I hope will be it's home. At least we didn't wear the desk out moving it from location to location. When we were placing the living room furniture, we probably made about five different relocations of the furniture before it was right.
After supper was finished, I installed the wireless router. At least I thought I did. I followed the directions, but can't get online with the router. I'm using the signal from the Internet modem at this time. Maybe I'll work on the router tomorrow. Just when I think I'm getting a little geeky, I run into something like the router that proves to me that I don't know what I'm doing.
Now, where's that telephone number for customer service?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Fremont, Ohio: Where People Come First
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 45 degrees, clear skies
The weather was better here today, actually reaching 45 degrees. It's unusual to us to see so many people outdoors with short sleeve shirts on, and no jacket when it's still this cool. I guess the people here don't think it's cold until it gets in to the 30s. Growing up and living for many years in Florida, we thought it was cold with weather in the 50s. How times have changed.
Carolyn wanted to get out again today, especially with the weather so nice. I made sure to not take her on a long road trip, choosing instead to go to Dollar Tree to look for a couple of cheap containers for storage. The Dollar Tree store in Athens is one of the smallest ones we have seen, and they didn't have as much merchandise as we're used to seeing in those stores. Still, we managed to find what Carolyn was looking for.
Dollar Tree and Staples were the only stores Carolyn went in to, choosing to wait on me while I went to the WalMart Mall to pick up a wireless router for the computer. At Staples, she helped me (strongly suggested) pick out a computer desk. I've been looking for a desk since we got in to the new home base, and Staples had a good selection.
Has anyone out there tried to put packaged furniture together recently? I was about ready to go get an engineer to put the computer desk together, but finally figured out what I was supposed to be doing. Then we had to place the new desk in several locations before we settled on what I hope will be it's home. At least we didn't wear the desk out moving it from location to location. When we were placing the living room furniture, we probably made about five different relocations of the furniture before it was right.
After supper was finished, I installed the wireless router. At least I thought I did. I followed the directions, but can't get online with the router. I'm using the signal from the Internet modem at this time. Maybe I'll work on the router tomorrow. Just when I think I'm getting a little geeky, I run into something like the router that proves to me that I don't know what I'm doing.
Now, where's that telephone number for customer service?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Fremont, Ohio: Where People Come First
Not all who wander are lost.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 42 degrees, cloudy with sleet early, then partly cloudy skies
We decided to drive over to Florence this morning, since we've been so busy moving in the new home base and getting it set up. I was going to get some pictures, but Carolyn's old bugaboo of vertigo struck again before we could really do much. It might seem like she should stay at home and cater to the illness, but I appreciate the fact that she is still willing to try to live a normal life. I will do whatever she wants as far as getting out. I think the worse thing she could do is just give up and become house bound.
Florence is located in the northwest part of the state, and was incorporated back in 1826. The population is about 37,000 people. It's large enough to have all the shopping a person could want, yet still small enough to have a little bit of a small town air. The University of North Alabama is located here, and is where our oldest daughter Terri received her master's degree.
Several famous people have called the city home, including W. C. Handy, the father of the blues, Stewart Cink, pro golfer, Sam Phillips, who discovered Elvis Presley, George Lindsey, who played Goober on the Andy Griffith Show, and George Goethals, chief engineer on the Panama Canal, to name just a few.
We drove by the Lauderdale County courthouse, but didn't take any pictures because it is a modern building. I'm more interested in the older courthouses.
I like different types of music, and a band I recently discovered is Drive-By Truckers, a band that plays alternative country and Southern rock. Imagine my surprise to find that three members of the group are from the Florence area, living in Killen, just a couple of miles away from Florence.
There was a time when I did everything I could to avoid carrying a cell phone. About two years ago, Terri loaned me a Trac phone so I could stay in touch with Carolyn when away from the RV without her. The Trac Phone is starting to act up, so I was looking around for an alternative that wouldn't be too expensive. I am on a fixed budget, after all.
My search led me to AT&T, where today I bought a cheap phone for less than $20.00 that allows me to be on a family plan with Carolyn, yet only costs $10.00 a month more than what we're paying now. We've been using a cheap plan that gives us much more minutes than we would ever use, so it made sense for us.
I guess I've left the ranks of the procrastinators, since I've been putting this move off for so long. Seems like I'm getting more and more geeky.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Florence, Alabama: Alabama’s Renaissance City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 42 degrees, cloudy with sleet early, then partly cloudy skies
We decided to drive over to Florence this morning, since we've been so busy moving in the new home base and getting it set up. I was going to get some pictures, but Carolyn's old bugaboo of vertigo struck again before we could really do much. It might seem like she should stay at home and cater to the illness, but I appreciate the fact that she is still willing to try to live a normal life. I will do whatever she wants as far as getting out. I think the worse thing she could do is just give up and become house bound.
Florence is located in the northwest part of the state, and was incorporated back in 1826. The population is about 37,000 people. It's large enough to have all the shopping a person could want, yet still small enough to have a little bit of a small town air. The University of North Alabama is located here, and is where our oldest daughter Terri received her master's degree.
Several famous people have called the city home, including W. C. Handy, the father of the blues, Stewart Cink, pro golfer, Sam Phillips, who discovered Elvis Presley, George Lindsey, who played Goober on the Andy Griffith Show, and George Goethals, chief engineer on the Panama Canal, to name just a few.
We drove by the Lauderdale County courthouse, but didn't take any pictures because it is a modern building. I'm more interested in the older courthouses.
I like different types of music, and a band I recently discovered is Drive-By Truckers, a band that plays alternative country and Southern rock. Imagine my surprise to find that three members of the group are from the Florence area, living in Killen, just a couple of miles away from Florence.
There was a time when I did everything I could to avoid carrying a cell phone. About two years ago, Terri loaned me a Trac phone so I could stay in touch with Carolyn when away from the RV without her. The Trac Phone is starting to act up, so I was looking around for an alternative that wouldn't be too expensive. I am on a fixed budget, after all.
My search led me to AT&T, where today I bought a cheap phone for less than $20.00 that allows me to be on a family plan with Carolyn, yet only costs $10.00 a month more than what we're paying now. We've been using a cheap plan that gives us much more minutes than we would ever use, so it made sense for us.
I guess I've left the ranks of the procrastinators, since I've been putting this move off for so long. Seems like I'm getting more and more geeky.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Florence, Alabama: Alabama’s Renaissance City
Not all who wander are lost.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Driver's Licenses
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 38 degrees, mostly cloudy skies
It seems no matter how good Carolyn feels at home with regards to her vertigo, almost every time she has gone out of the house the last few weeks, she has had another vertigo attack. It happened again today, as we had some business to take care of that required her to go with me. When we left home, she felt fine, and was talking about what she would like to do when we were in town. There were a few things we still needed from the WalMart Mall, but after being there about 20 minutes, the colors, motions, and sounds combined to create a situation with her vertigo that she couldn't handle. I really feel badly for her because she is not able to do the things she wants to do. As soon as we can find another doctor here, she's going to see if there's anything they can do for her.
I did manage to find another garbage container, and it was much more reasonable than the $65.00 dollar thing that I put back yesterday.
Before Carolyn got sick in town, we managed to go to the courthouse annex and get the RV registration switched from Texas to Alabama. In order to do that, I had to get a sheriff's deputy to verify that the RV VIN was correct on the title. The deputy that helped us welcomed us to the area, and told us if we needed any help to let him know. He's a nice fellow, but I hope we never have to call him.
While we were at the courthouse, we decided to see if we could change our driver's licenses from Texas to Alabama. We had heard horror tales about how long it took to get anything done in that office, but we were taken right in and served immediately. We couldn't have gotten better service any where else.
It felt strange severing those ties from Texas. We were residents of Texas for more than 20 years, and enjoyed living there. Like any place, there were areas we liked more than others, but no matter where we were, the people always made up for any shortcomings an area might have. We will always remember our years of living there with fondness. But, we will go back to the state to visit Lori and her family and friends, and do some rambling.
Carolyn is getting into cooking in a house again. She always felt a little restricted cooking in the RV, and fussed about the amount of space to work in. I guess she has enough space now, and I'm the beneficiary with plenty of good food. Plus, she is having my sister Judy and her family here for Christmas, as well as Terri and Thomas. Good food and a family get together. I'm looking forward to it!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Nashville, Tennessee: Blastville
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 38 degrees, mostly cloudy skies
It seems no matter how good Carolyn feels at home with regards to her vertigo, almost every time she has gone out of the house the last few weeks, she has had another vertigo attack. It happened again today, as we had some business to take care of that required her to go with me. When we left home, she felt fine, and was talking about what she would like to do when we were in town. There were a few things we still needed from the WalMart Mall, but after being there about 20 minutes, the colors, motions, and sounds combined to create a situation with her vertigo that she couldn't handle. I really feel badly for her because she is not able to do the things she wants to do. As soon as we can find another doctor here, she's going to see if there's anything they can do for her.
I did manage to find another garbage container, and it was much more reasonable than the $65.00 dollar thing that I put back yesterday.
Before Carolyn got sick in town, we managed to go to the courthouse annex and get the RV registration switched from Texas to Alabama. In order to do that, I had to get a sheriff's deputy to verify that the RV VIN was correct on the title. The deputy that helped us welcomed us to the area, and told us if we needed any help to let him know. He's a nice fellow, but I hope we never have to call him.
While we were at the courthouse, we decided to see if we could change our driver's licenses from Texas to Alabama. We had heard horror tales about how long it took to get anything done in that office, but we were taken right in and served immediately. We couldn't have gotten better service any where else.
It felt strange severing those ties from Texas. We were residents of Texas for more than 20 years, and enjoyed living there. Like any place, there were areas we liked more than others, but no matter where we were, the people always made up for any shortcomings an area might have. We will always remember our years of living there with fondness. But, we will go back to the state to visit Lori and her family and friends, and do some rambling.
Carolyn is getting into cooking in a house again. She always felt a little restricted cooking in the RV, and fussed about the amount of space to work in. I guess she has enough space now, and I'm the beneficiary with plenty of good food. Plus, she is having my sister Judy and her family here for Christmas, as well as Terri and Thomas. Good food and a family get together. I'm looking forward to it!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Nashville, Tennessee: Blastville
Not all who wander are lost.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 42 degrees, high 56 degrees, cloudy, intermittent rain showers all day
Man, what a difference a night makes in the weather here! We were freezing yesterday, and today we saw 56 degrees. It was still cold, but at least not the bone chilling cold of the past several days. The cold weather comes back tomorrow.
We've been in the new home base for six days now, and things are starting to settle down a little. When I say settle down, that means we only worked on getting things put away part of the day, instead of all day. I had to go to our new bank this morning to take care of some automatic deposit stuff. It's nice to go into a bank and have the people there recognize you. Seems like about 30 years ago. Just one more thing we like about small town living.
When I got back from the bank, which was in Ardmore, Carolyn was ready to go to Athens to look at a few things. Today was the first day she had felt like doing anything away from home because of her vertigo. I treated her to lunch, and it wasn't at McDonald's. That probably amazes some of you who know me, but you've got to splurge once in a while.
After lunch, we looked for a computer desk, but didn't find anything that rung our bell. There's no hurry, so we'll keep looking. The last stop for shopping was at the WalMart Mall, where Carolyn stayed in the truck because it was raining. The only thing of consequence that happened at the Mall was that I thought I had made a good buy on a garbage can. The display had a sign that said $25.00, but when I got up to the register, the cost was $64.00. There's no way I'm going to pay that much money for a plastic garbage container, so I told the cashier to take it off my bill. She offered to go get me another one, but that would have meant holding up other people, so I told her I would do it the next time I was in the store.
The last stop before going home was to register the truck in Alabama. That effort was fairly painless, and we now have an Alabama tag on the truck. I was offered two choices for the design of the tag, and chose the one that read "Sweet Home Alabama". We've always liked that slogan.
Registering the truck in Alabama saves about $15.00 a year on yearly registration costs, plus I won't have to pay $14.50 a year for a vehicle inspection that doesn't appear to do much good, other than giving business to garages. And you wouldn't believe how much cheaper my truck insurance is here, versus in Texas.
More later, be safe.
Today's State - Alabama: Sweet Home Alabama
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 42 degrees, high 56 degrees, cloudy, intermittent rain showers all day
Man, what a difference a night makes in the weather here! We were freezing yesterday, and today we saw 56 degrees. It was still cold, but at least not the bone chilling cold of the past several days. The cold weather comes back tomorrow.
We've been in the new home base for six days now, and things are starting to settle down a little. When I say settle down, that means we only worked on getting things put away part of the day, instead of all day. I had to go to our new bank this morning to take care of some automatic deposit stuff. It's nice to go into a bank and have the people there recognize you. Seems like about 30 years ago. Just one more thing we like about small town living.
When I got back from the bank, which was in Ardmore, Carolyn was ready to go to Athens to look at a few things. Today was the first day she had felt like doing anything away from home because of her vertigo. I treated her to lunch, and it wasn't at McDonald's. That probably amazes some of you who know me, but you've got to splurge once in a while.
After lunch, we looked for a computer desk, but didn't find anything that rung our bell. There's no hurry, so we'll keep looking. The last stop for shopping was at the WalMart Mall, where Carolyn stayed in the truck because it was raining. The only thing of consequence that happened at the Mall was that I thought I had made a good buy on a garbage can. The display had a sign that said $25.00, but when I got up to the register, the cost was $64.00. There's no way I'm going to pay that much money for a plastic garbage container, so I told the cashier to take it off my bill. She offered to go get me another one, but that would have meant holding up other people, so I told her I would do it the next time I was in the store.
The last stop before going home was to register the truck in Alabama. That effort was fairly painless, and we now have an Alabama tag on the truck. I was offered two choices for the design of the tag, and chose the one that read "Sweet Home Alabama". We've always liked that slogan.
Registering the truck in Alabama saves about $15.00 a year on yearly registration costs, plus I won't have to pay $14.50 a year for a vehicle inspection that doesn't appear to do much good, other than giving business to garages. And you wouldn't believe how much cheaper my truck insurance is here, versus in Texas.
More later, be safe.
Today's State - Alabama: Sweet Home Alabama
Not all who wander are lost.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
High Speed Internet
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 22 degrees, high 28 degrees, cloudy, light freezing rain late in the afternoon, sleet
The weather warmed a little bit, if a high of 28 degrees is considered warming. We haven't seen a temperature above freezing for about five days, but there's hope for tomorrow. In the meantime, the roads in the area have been getting ice on them today, and I can imagine it will be worse tonight.
Carolyn and I were talking about the prolonged cold weather and how difficult it would be in the RV now. I reminded her that the RV had wheels, and we could have gone farther south where it was a little warmer. Her response was that there wasn't any place that was warm now. She might have a point, since the wind chill in Key West today was 30 degrees. Where the heck did all that global warming go? The proponents of global warming would have us believe that this cold weather is an even stronger indication that the planet is warming up. Bah, hum bug!
With the roads being like they were today, we stayed at home, going through paperwork that had accumulated recently, filing the paperwork if it was needed, and shredding what wasn't needed. Have you ever noticed how fast paper builds up when you ignore it for a while?
In the afternoon, the Internet technician came by and installed the necessary stuff for us to be able to get high speed Internet. He arrived about 1330 hours, and didn't finish until almost 1730 hours, as he ran into a lot of problems. Plus, The cold weather didn't help any. By the time he left, he was about to freeze. He got us hooked up, and I have to say the air card doesn't have a thing on this high speed connection. The computer is smokin'! If everything continues to work well after a few days, I'll place the air card account in standby until we need it again.
Carolyn has stayed at home for the last three days because she was trying to get her vertigo symptoms stabilized. Today, she said she was starting to get cabin fever, so I guess she's feeling better. Maybe I can get her out and about tomorrow.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Kilmichael, Mississippi: The Town That Cares
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 22 degrees, high 28 degrees, cloudy, light freezing rain late in the afternoon, sleet
The weather warmed a little bit, if a high of 28 degrees is considered warming. We haven't seen a temperature above freezing for about five days, but there's hope for tomorrow. In the meantime, the roads in the area have been getting ice on them today, and I can imagine it will be worse tonight.
Carolyn and I were talking about the prolonged cold weather and how difficult it would be in the RV now. I reminded her that the RV had wheels, and we could have gone farther south where it was a little warmer. Her response was that there wasn't any place that was warm now. She might have a point, since the wind chill in Key West today was 30 degrees. Where the heck did all that global warming go? The proponents of global warming would have us believe that this cold weather is an even stronger indication that the planet is warming up. Bah, hum bug!
With the roads being like they were today, we stayed at home, going through paperwork that had accumulated recently, filing the paperwork if it was needed, and shredding what wasn't needed. Have you ever noticed how fast paper builds up when you ignore it for a while?
In the afternoon, the Internet technician came by and installed the necessary stuff for us to be able to get high speed Internet. He arrived about 1330 hours, and didn't finish until almost 1730 hours, as he ran into a lot of problems. Plus, The cold weather didn't help any. By the time he left, he was about to freeze. He got us hooked up, and I have to say the air card doesn't have a thing on this high speed connection. The computer is smokin'! If everything continues to work well after a few days, I'll place the air card account in standby until we need it again.
Carolyn has stayed at home for the last three days because she was trying to get her vertigo symptoms stabilized. Today, she said she was starting to get cabin fever, so I guess she's feeling better. Maybe I can get her out and about tomorrow.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Kilmichael, Mississippi: The Town That Cares
Not all who wander are lost.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Satellite System Installed
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 11 degrees, high 26 degrees, clear skies until late afternoon, then cloudy
The cold weather just keeps on coming. This is the lowest we've seen since 2003, when we were in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, visiting our daughter Terri and her family. The temperature got down to eight degrees, but we were a little younger and tougher then, so it was a big adventure seeing if we could stand it in the RV. I wouldn't want to be in the RV in these temperatures. Oh, another thing about the weather in 2003. When it was so cold, Terri invited us to stay with them while it was so cold. We declined and stayed in the RV. Well, guess whose pipes froze? It wasn't our pipes, but oldest daughter's pipes.
The big event for today was getting our satellite service installed in the new home base. Part of the service change was an update to our receiver so that we could receive HD programming and record programs if we wanted to. Another upgrade was to be able to watch two televisions using one receiver. Cool!! We didn't realize that we were in the dark ages.
The service technicians who installed the new satellite system couldn't have been more professional or good at their job. They showed up when they were supposed to, after calling to make sure it was still okay to come out. Then, even in the cold weather, they worked non-stop for two hours to get the equipment installed and working. We can't say enough good things about the great job they did. Carolyn is happy, so the wait was worth it.
When the satellite guys were finished, it was time for lunch - leftovers, of course. Then I went into Athens to mail our Christmas cards. We're running a little late this year, but I think we have a good excuse. Leaving the post office, I went to Charter and signed up for high speed Internet, which will be installed tomorrow. The air card works here, but the signal is a little slow at times. Plus, the high speed connection we're getting costs less than the air card. I'll suspend service on the air card until we need it.
Has anyone noticed the price of gasoline and diesel? We have been getting an up close and personal view with our recent travels. I'm always on the lookout for cheaper prices, and I filled up today with diesel for $3.059 per gallon. It's higher than we've seen for a couple of years, but still better than it was about three years ago. How does $4.799 per gallon sound? Remember those days?
While I was in town, I signed up for homestead tax exemption on the new home base. With a mixed blessing type of thing, I found that since I'm older than dirt, I get an exemption for my age. I guess there's something to be said for getting older, including the fact that it's better than the alternative. Hey, I'll save a few dollars wherever I can.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Williams, Arizona: Where Events Come Alive
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 11 degrees, high 26 degrees, clear skies until late afternoon, then cloudy
The cold weather just keeps on coming. This is the lowest we've seen since 2003, when we were in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, visiting our daughter Terri and her family. The temperature got down to eight degrees, but we were a little younger and tougher then, so it was a big adventure seeing if we could stand it in the RV. I wouldn't want to be in the RV in these temperatures. Oh, another thing about the weather in 2003. When it was so cold, Terri invited us to stay with them while it was so cold. We declined and stayed in the RV. Well, guess whose pipes froze? It wasn't our pipes, but oldest daughter's pipes.
The big event for today was getting our satellite service installed in the new home base. Part of the service change was an update to our receiver so that we could receive HD programming and record programs if we wanted to. Another upgrade was to be able to watch two televisions using one receiver. Cool!! We didn't realize that we were in the dark ages.
The service technicians who installed the new satellite system couldn't have been more professional or good at their job. They showed up when they were supposed to, after calling to make sure it was still okay to come out. Then, even in the cold weather, they worked non-stop for two hours to get the equipment installed and working. We can't say enough good things about the great job they did. Carolyn is happy, so the wait was worth it.
When the satellite guys were finished, it was time for lunch - leftovers, of course. Then I went into Athens to mail our Christmas cards. We're running a little late this year, but I think we have a good excuse. Leaving the post office, I went to Charter and signed up for high speed Internet, which will be installed tomorrow. The air card works here, but the signal is a little slow at times. Plus, the high speed connection we're getting costs less than the air card. I'll suspend service on the air card until we need it.
Has anyone noticed the price of gasoline and diesel? We have been getting an up close and personal view with our recent travels. I'm always on the lookout for cheaper prices, and I filled up today with diesel for $3.059 per gallon. It's higher than we've seen for a couple of years, but still better than it was about three years ago. How does $4.799 per gallon sound? Remember those days?
While I was in town, I signed up for homestead tax exemption on the new home base. With a mixed blessing type of thing, I found that since I'm older than dirt, I get an exemption for my age. I guess there's something to be said for getting older, including the fact that it's better than the alternative. Hey, I'll save a few dollars wherever I can.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Williams, Arizona: Where Events Come Alive
Not all who wander are lost.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Gas Log
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 13 degrees, high 26 degrees, snow flurries early, then clear skies
Sometimes, diesel engines are a little balky about starting in cold weather like what we're having here in north Alabama. I've been fortunate this time around, as the truck has started like a champ every morning. It would be nice if the truck had a block warmer, but we're hoping that putting it in the garage continues to help.
On Saturday at lunch, I had a cap on one of my teeth come loose and fall out while I was eating lunch. I wasn't having any trouble with pain, so I waited until this morning to contact a dentist about putting the cap back in. The first dentist I called told me to come on in, and they would fit me in. I made it to the office by 0800 hours, and after filling out some paperwork, I was taken in to an examination room where the cap was put back in. Now, that was good service. We were thinking about who to use as a dentist, and I think we have found one.
When I left the dentist office, I drove to Madison to look for a television to put in our bedroom. The satellite television service will be moved to the new address tomorrow, and we will have two receivers as part of the package we are getting. So, another television was needed to use the second receiver. I found what I was looking for at the WalMart Mall, and the salesperson who helped me even took it out of the box and hooked it up to make sure it was working. No problems with it at the store, so it should be good when we connect it tomorrow.
The new home base has a fireplace, but the primary heat source is a heat pump. We have never cared for heat pumps because we usually feel cold. I know part of that feeling is probably psychological, but it doesn't make me feel any warmer. We like radiant heat, but using the fireplace to burn wood doesn't appeal to us. Today, I shopped around for a gas log insert to use in the fireplace, and found one in Ardmore. The company has a backlog of work, and won't be able to install the gas log until the end of this week. The weather will be warmer by then, but at least I'll have some heat that I can warm my hands with and back up to. I love that kind of heat. If you stand there long enough, the smell of scorched cotton starts wafting up.
Carolyn put up our first real Christmas tree for the first time in several years. We bought an artificial one that already had lights on it. Man, they sure make things easier to do with these trees!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Hillsboro, Texas: Within Reach Of Everything
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 13 degrees, high 26 degrees, snow flurries early, then clear skies
Sometimes, diesel engines are a little balky about starting in cold weather like what we're having here in north Alabama. I've been fortunate this time around, as the truck has started like a champ every morning. It would be nice if the truck had a block warmer, but we're hoping that putting it in the garage continues to help.
On Saturday at lunch, I had a cap on one of my teeth come loose and fall out while I was eating lunch. I wasn't having any trouble with pain, so I waited until this morning to contact a dentist about putting the cap back in. The first dentist I called told me to come on in, and they would fit me in. I made it to the office by 0800 hours, and after filling out some paperwork, I was taken in to an examination room where the cap was put back in. Now, that was good service. We were thinking about who to use as a dentist, and I think we have found one.
When I left the dentist office, I drove to Madison to look for a television to put in our bedroom. The satellite television service will be moved to the new address tomorrow, and we will have two receivers as part of the package we are getting. So, another television was needed to use the second receiver. I found what I was looking for at the WalMart Mall, and the salesperson who helped me even took it out of the box and hooked it up to make sure it was working. No problems with it at the store, so it should be good when we connect it tomorrow.
The new home base has a fireplace, but the primary heat source is a heat pump. We have never cared for heat pumps because we usually feel cold. I know part of that feeling is probably psychological, but it doesn't make me feel any warmer. We like radiant heat, but using the fireplace to burn wood doesn't appeal to us. Today, I shopped around for a gas log insert to use in the fireplace, and found one in Ardmore. The company has a backlog of work, and won't be able to install the gas log until the end of this week. The weather will be warmer by then, but at least I'll have some heat that I can warm my hands with and back up to. I love that kind of heat. If you stand there long enough, the smell of scorched cotton starts wafting up.
Carolyn put up our first real Christmas tree for the first time in several years. We bought an artificial one that already had lights on it. Man, they sure make things easier to do with these trees!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Hillsboro, Texas: Within Reach Of Everything
Not all who wander are lost.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Oriental Beef Stew
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: In a word, COLD! low 26 degrees, high 27 degrees, snow showers all day, winds 23 to 30 miles per hour
The low tonight is expected to get down to about 15 degrees here in Elkmont, and it will probably feel even colder with the way the wind is blowing. Looks like a day to stay inside and tidy up from moving in.
We still haven't caught any mice, even with eight traps set. Maybe the cold weather is freezing them.
We went to Athens today to take care of picking up a few more things needed for the new home base. The cold weather didn't seem to be slowing people down, as all the stores seemed to be busy with people buying all sorts of stuff, including holiday things. This area seems to be surviving the recession well. Of course, it should, with many government facilities and agencies here, as well as higher education facilities, such as Athens State College. Those types of things seem to provide a buffer whenever an economic downturn occurs.
While we were in town, we stopped at Publix Market, a Florida based grocery chain of stores. The one located here is new, and Carolyn was glad to find that she has one to shop in. She likes to meander through the entire store, looking at all the displays for meal ideas. Today, she hurried up so we could get finished and back home.
When we got home, I told Carolyn that I wanted to cook supper tonight. At one time, I used to cook quite often. Then, work got in the way of doing that. When we moved in the RV, she didn't want me in the way when she was cooking, so I got out of the habit of cooking. Now, we have a little more room, so Carolyn is more than ready for me to help out. The meal I prepared today was Oriental Beef Stew, a family favorite from about 35 years ago. As I said, it's been a while since I've cooked, so I was a little uncoordinated with my preps, but everything turned out well. The chosen dish was as good as I remembered, and Carolyn said it was great. That's high praise, coming from her. She said I'm going to have to fix today's menu again. Okay.
Now, what will I prepare next time?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Little Rock, Arkansas: The City Of Roses
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: In a word, COLD! low 26 degrees, high 27 degrees, snow showers all day, winds 23 to 30 miles per hour
The low tonight is expected to get down to about 15 degrees here in Elkmont, and it will probably feel even colder with the way the wind is blowing. Looks like a day to stay inside and tidy up from moving in.
We still haven't caught any mice, even with eight traps set. Maybe the cold weather is freezing them.
We went to Athens today to take care of picking up a few more things needed for the new home base. The cold weather didn't seem to be slowing people down, as all the stores seemed to be busy with people buying all sorts of stuff, including holiday things. This area seems to be surviving the recession well. Of course, it should, with many government facilities and agencies here, as well as higher education facilities, such as Athens State College. Those types of things seem to provide a buffer whenever an economic downturn occurs.
While we were in town, we stopped at Publix Market, a Florida based grocery chain of stores. The one located here is new, and Carolyn was glad to find that she has one to shop in. She likes to meander through the entire store, looking at all the displays for meal ideas. Today, she hurried up so we could get finished and back home.
When we got home, I told Carolyn that I wanted to cook supper tonight. At one time, I used to cook quite often. Then, work got in the way of doing that. When we moved in the RV, she didn't want me in the way when she was cooking, so I got out of the habit of cooking. Now, we have a little more room, so Carolyn is more than ready for me to help out. The meal I prepared today was Oriental Beef Stew, a family favorite from about 35 years ago. As I said, it's been a while since I've cooked, so I was a little uncoordinated with my preps, but everything turned out well. The chosen dish was as good as I remembered, and Carolyn said it was great. That's high praise, coming from her. She said I'm going to have to fix today's menu again. Okay.
Now, what will I prepare next time?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Little Rock, Arkansas: The City Of Roses
Not all who wander are lost.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Eeeck! Jerald!
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 43 degrees, high 52 degrees, cloudy skies, light rain in the late afternoon and in to the night, windy
The weather forecast calls for snow and sleet over the next 24-36 hours, with most of it occurring tomorrow. Then, the cold weather comes in, with temperatures expected to be in the low teens at night, and high 20s in the daytime for the following two days. I guess we could say winter has arrived.
Eeeck! Jerald! I recognized that call as soon as I heard it. I was asleep at 0300 hours this morning when I heard that dreaded cry. Carolyn had gotten up to get a drink of water, and startled a mouse that was trapped in a plastic bag. Now, why she didn't get a broom and start beating the bag is beyond me. Anyway, I jumped out of the bed and rushed out to save my fair maiden. By the time I got to the area where the crisis was, the mouse had disappeared. Since I was already up, I got dressed and went to the WalMart Mall in Athens to get some mouse traps. So, did I get the merciful traps? You betcha. One click and snap! the little rascal's neck is broken.
Using my noggin for something besides a hat rack, which was difficult at 0400 hours in the morning, I decided to buy eight of the little neck snappers. I figured putting more traps out would increase the chances for success in breaking some necks.
On the way home, I almost hit a big buck, which if I had would surely have broke his neck, and done damage to the truck. Whew! That was close.
When I arrived home, I set all eight traps, using some peanut butter. Crunchy, of course. Then we sat back and waited for the traps to start going off. And waited, and waited, and waited..... As I'm writing this post late on Saturday evening, I still haven't caught any mice. Maybe tonight. If so, I will be glad to have caught the mice, but a little po'd that they woke me up.
We continued settling into the new home base, and it's actually starting to look a little comfortable. I had to go to Decatur this morning to pick up two end tables for the living room that were ordered for us before we went to Texas. I think that's all the furniture, other than a desk to set the computer up on. In the late afternoon, we went to Athens and bought a couple of lamps. So, slowly but surely, the needs are being completed.
I just realized that we have a separate garage big enough for the truck to be put in. That means it won't have to sit outside in the cold weather and get all iced up. That also means life will be a little easier for me. Yes!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Buffalo, New York: Queen City Of The Lakes
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 43 degrees, high 52 degrees, cloudy skies, light rain in the late afternoon and in to the night, windy
The weather forecast calls for snow and sleet over the next 24-36 hours, with most of it occurring tomorrow. Then, the cold weather comes in, with temperatures expected to be in the low teens at night, and high 20s in the daytime for the following two days. I guess we could say winter has arrived.
Eeeck! Jerald! I recognized that call as soon as I heard it. I was asleep at 0300 hours this morning when I heard that dreaded cry. Carolyn had gotten up to get a drink of water, and startled a mouse that was trapped in a plastic bag. Now, why she didn't get a broom and start beating the bag is beyond me. Anyway, I jumped out of the bed and rushed out to save my fair maiden. By the time I got to the area where the crisis was, the mouse had disappeared. Since I was already up, I got dressed and went to the WalMart Mall in Athens to get some mouse traps. So, did I get the merciful traps? You betcha. One click and snap! the little rascal's neck is broken.
Using my noggin for something besides a hat rack, which was difficult at 0400 hours in the morning, I decided to buy eight of the little neck snappers. I figured putting more traps out would increase the chances for success in breaking some necks.
On the way home, I almost hit a big buck, which if I had would surely have broke his neck, and done damage to the truck. Whew! That was close.
When I arrived home, I set all eight traps, using some peanut butter. Crunchy, of course. Then we sat back and waited for the traps to start going off. And waited, and waited, and waited..... As I'm writing this post late on Saturday evening, I still haven't caught any mice. Maybe tonight. If so, I will be glad to have caught the mice, but a little po'd that they woke me up.
We continued settling into the new home base, and it's actually starting to look a little comfortable. I had to go to Decatur this morning to pick up two end tables for the living room that were ordered for us before we went to Texas. I think that's all the furniture, other than a desk to set the computer up on. In the late afternoon, we went to Athens and bought a couple of lamps. So, slowly but surely, the needs are being completed.
I just realized that we have a separate garage big enough for the truck to be put in. That means it won't have to sit outside in the cold weather and get all iced up. That also means life will be a little easier for me. Yes!
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Buffalo, New York: Queen City Of The Lakes
Not all who wander are lost.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 44 degrees, overcast skies, breezy
We finished the move to the new home base today, then said a big old "Ahhhhh". As I said in yesterday's post, it was hard to believe how much stuff we had been pulling across the country. We've already started paring down what we will need in the RV when we hit the road again.
When we had the last of the stuff out of the RV that we were taking to the base, Carolyn cleaned the inside while I was doing the winterizing. I drained the fresh water tank and water heater, blew the water lines and water heater out with the air compressor, and then placed RV anti-freeze in the sink and shower p-traps. The weather is supposed to be even colder up here next week, so we should be okay as far as protecting the water lines is concerned.
Eventually, we want to be able to keep the RV at the home base, but we have to get the driveway widened a little before we can do that. In the meantime, we'll leave it in storage. The ideal situation will allow me to do the outside cleaning and repairs at home, rather than having to go to the storage area.
After we had gotten everything moved to the home base, we did a little straightening and putting up of stuff. I took enough time to go buy a new television, which would have been quite an experience two weeks ago. However, I educated myself on the standards of today's televisions, so I hope that I made a good choice. We'll know before long, as Dish Network has offered us a free upgrade on equipment which is supposed to enhance the viewing with the new televisions. The new satellite equipment will be installed on Tuesday. In the meantime, I stopped at Lowe's and picked up an over the air indoor antenna so we could watch the local stations.
We worked hard today, so we went to Cracker Barrel for supper. Have you ever noticed that no matter where you eat across the country in a Cracker Barrel, the food tastes the same? It's not outstanding food, but it's not bad, and the price is reasonable. I know we were glad to have one of the restaurants in the area today.
It was another tiring day for us, but the hard part is over. Now, we can take our time putting things away and decorating. Have I said lately how much Carolyn is enjoying this next phase of our lives?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Rockwood, Tennessee: The Place To Be In Tennessee
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 26 degrees, high 44 degrees, overcast skies, breezy
We finished the move to the new home base today, then said a big old "Ahhhhh". As I said in yesterday's post, it was hard to believe how much stuff we had been pulling across the country. We've already started paring down what we will need in the RV when we hit the road again.
When we had the last of the stuff out of the RV that we were taking to the base, Carolyn cleaned the inside while I was doing the winterizing. I drained the fresh water tank and water heater, blew the water lines and water heater out with the air compressor, and then placed RV anti-freeze in the sink and shower p-traps. The weather is supposed to be even colder up here next week, so we should be okay as far as protecting the water lines is concerned.
Eventually, we want to be able to keep the RV at the home base, but we have to get the driveway widened a little before we can do that. In the meantime, we'll leave it in storage. The ideal situation will allow me to do the outside cleaning and repairs at home, rather than having to go to the storage area.
After we had gotten everything moved to the home base, we did a little straightening and putting up of stuff. I took enough time to go buy a new television, which would have been quite an experience two weeks ago. However, I educated myself on the standards of today's televisions, so I hope that I made a good choice. We'll know before long, as Dish Network has offered us a free upgrade on equipment which is supposed to enhance the viewing with the new televisions. The new satellite equipment will be installed on Tuesday. In the meantime, I stopped at Lowe's and picked up an over the air indoor antenna so we could watch the local stations.
We worked hard today, so we went to Cracker Barrel for supper. Have you ever noticed that no matter where you eat across the country in a Cracker Barrel, the food tastes the same? It's not outstanding food, but it's not bad, and the price is reasonable. I know we were glad to have one of the restaurants in the area today.
It was another tiring day for us, but the hard part is over. Now, we can take our time putting things away and decorating. Have I said lately how much Carolyn is enjoying this next phase of our lives?
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Rockwood, Tennessee: The Place To Be In Tennessee
Not all who wander are lost.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
11 Degrees
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 11 degrees, high 42 degrees, clear skies
Back when we first started fulltime RVing about eight years ago, we spent a couple of weeks in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, visiting our daughter Terri and her family. Nothing earthshaking about that, right? Well, the weather at that time was about as cold as what we're experiencing here in Elkmont. At that time, it seemed like a big adventure as we survived in cold weather that was a challenge to us as newbies in that type of weather and an RV. Now, we know how to handle the cold weather, but guess what? It's not fun anymore when it is as cold as it was last night. Sure, we stayed warm, but it seems like it takes more out of us than it did eight years ago. Tonight will probably be our last night in the RV until after the holidays as we get moved into the new home base.
We moved just about everything out of the RV that wasn't needed for traveling and to the home base today. If someone had told me that we would have as much stuff to move as we did, it would have been hard to believe. We have always felt that we were about as light on everything as we could get, and still live full time in the RV. After today, both of us realized that we could have traveled even lighter. You can bet that when we go out again, we'll be much lighter.
I mentioned in an earlier post that we needed to get Carolyn into a more stable environment because of her vertigo, which shows no signs of getting better. She has fought it for almost seven years, insisting that she was okay. Well, she's still having the problem, and it jumped up again today as she was helping me get stuff ready to move to the base. As a result, she was out of action with dizziness, nausea, and a headache for about three hours. Even though she felt better later, she was washed out and weak. We're hoping that this move we're taking will help her in daily activities.
We'll finish our move to the home base tomorrow, and then I'll winterize the RV so it will be protected in the cold weather until we're ready to go somewhere. This will be the first time for winterizing the RV, so it will be a learning experience for me. I'll let you know how it goes.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Fort Worth, Texas: American Idol City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 11 degrees, high 42 degrees, clear skies
Back when we first started fulltime RVing about eight years ago, we spent a couple of weeks in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, visiting our daughter Terri and her family. Nothing earthshaking about that, right? Well, the weather at that time was about as cold as what we're experiencing here in Elkmont. At that time, it seemed like a big adventure as we survived in cold weather that was a challenge to us as newbies in that type of weather and an RV. Now, we know how to handle the cold weather, but guess what? It's not fun anymore when it is as cold as it was last night. Sure, we stayed warm, but it seems like it takes more out of us than it did eight years ago. Tonight will probably be our last night in the RV until after the holidays as we get moved into the new home base.
We moved just about everything out of the RV that wasn't needed for traveling and to the home base today. If someone had told me that we would have as much stuff to move as we did, it would have been hard to believe. We have always felt that we were about as light on everything as we could get, and still live full time in the RV. After today, both of us realized that we could have traveled even lighter. You can bet that when we go out again, we'll be much lighter.
I mentioned in an earlier post that we needed to get Carolyn into a more stable environment because of her vertigo, which shows no signs of getting better. She has fought it for almost seven years, insisting that she was okay. Well, she's still having the problem, and it jumped up again today as she was helping me get stuff ready to move to the base. As a result, she was out of action with dizziness, nausea, and a headache for about three hours. Even though she felt better later, she was washed out and weak. We're hoping that this move we're taking will help her in daily activities.
We'll finish our move to the home base tomorrow, and then I'll winterize the RV so it will be protected in the cold weather until we're ready to go somewhere. This will be the first time for winterizing the RV, so it will be a learning experience for me. I'll let you know how it goes.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Fort Worth, Texas: American Idol City
Not all who wander are lost.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Elkmont, Alabama
Weather: low 27 degrees in Elkmont, Alabama, high 43 degrees in Hope, Arkansas
Did you notice that the high and low temperatures seem to be reversed? That's because when we left Hope this morning, the temperature was 43 degrees, and maintained a steady downward dip, By the time we pulled into Elkmont about 1700 hours this evening, it was down to 27 degrees. BRRRR!
Sometimes, we laugh about the fact that it seems that we do this RVing thing backwards. Most people go south for the winter, when we might be going north. Then, in the summer, most people go north for cooler weather, while we seem to find some of the hottest places in the country to spend the summer. Now, here we are in Elkmont, with temperatures expected in the low teens the next few days. We've got to get our sense of direction fixed!
We thought there might be some ice and snow in Hope this morning, but that kind of weather missed us. Thank God! We left Hope about 0800 hours, and passed through Little Rock and Memphis with no problems at all. We were making such good time, that we decided to try to make it back to Elkmont today. Even though we were tired, we made it just at dark. Setting up in the dark was not a lot of fun, but making it worse was the 27 degree temperature. I thought my hands would freeze by the time I was finished outside. When I got into the RV, Carolyn had prepared some hot chicken soup. Just what I needed to warm me up.
Tomorrow, after what we hope will be a good night of sleep, we'll try to finish up what needs to be done to move into the new home base. It'll be good to get things the way we want them, but best of all will be the chance to stay warm while it's so cold.
Maybe I can talk Carolyn into making some chili.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Corinth, Mississippi: Mississippi’s Gateway City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 27 degrees in Elkmont, Alabama, high 43 degrees in Hope, Arkansas
Did you notice that the high and low temperatures seem to be reversed? That's because when we left Hope this morning, the temperature was 43 degrees, and maintained a steady downward dip, By the time we pulled into Elkmont about 1700 hours this evening, it was down to 27 degrees. BRRRR!
Sometimes, we laugh about the fact that it seems that we do this RVing thing backwards. Most people go south for the winter, when we might be going north. Then, in the summer, most people go north for cooler weather, while we seem to find some of the hottest places in the country to spend the summer. Now, here we are in Elkmont, with temperatures expected in the low teens the next few days. We've got to get our sense of direction fixed!
We thought there might be some ice and snow in Hope this morning, but that kind of weather missed us. Thank God! We left Hope about 0800 hours, and passed through Little Rock and Memphis with no problems at all. We were making such good time, that we decided to try to make it back to Elkmont today. Even though we were tired, we made it just at dark. Setting up in the dark was not a lot of fun, but making it worse was the 27 degree temperature. I thought my hands would freeze by the time I was finished outside. When I got into the RV, Carolyn had prepared some hot chicken soup. Just what I needed to warm me up.
Tomorrow, after what we hope will be a good night of sleep, we'll try to finish up what needs to be done to move into the new home base. It'll be good to get things the way we want them, but best of all will be the chance to stay warm while it's so cold.
Maybe I can talk Carolyn into making some chili.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Corinth, Mississippi: Mississippi’s Gateway City
Not all who wander are lost.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Started The Long Trek
Hope, Arkansas
Weather: low 24 degrees in Glen Rose, Texas, high 50 degrees in Hope, Arkansas, partly cloudy skies
We had another fairly early departure, as we started our trek back to the new home base in north Alabama. Our route led us northeast on US 67 to I-30, which took us through Dallas and on to Hope. Once we were through Dallas, traffic was fairly light, and even though there was some road construction, it didn't slow us down.
We arrived in Hope about 1500 hours, and were set up about 15 minutes later. We didn't set up the satellite dish, since we felt there was enough choice with the RV antenna for television. After resting about an hour, we drove out to my brother Keith's house. We had a great reunion with Keith and sons Josh and Jacob. Wife Nancy arrived home from work about 1715 hours, and middle son Corey showed up about 45 minutes later. Everyone piled in the cars and we went to eat at a local bar-b-que restaurant, where we had some great conversation, catching up on what everyone has been doing.
When supper was finished, we went back to Keith and Nancy's house, where the great conversation continued. Have I said lately how much I enjoy getting together with family?
Eventually, we had to leave, since we were so tired from the long day. However, Keith and Nancy and family have a standing invitation to visit us at the new home base.
We're not sure how early we'll be able to leave in the morning. There is a winter storm watch for this area, with snow and ice expected late tonight and early in the morning. That might mean that it will take us two days to get back to north Alabama. That's okay, as long as we're safe.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Hope, Arkansas: Birthplace of President Bill Clinton
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 24 degrees in Glen Rose, Texas, high 50 degrees in Hope, Arkansas, partly cloudy skies
We had another fairly early departure, as we started our trek back to the new home base in north Alabama. Our route led us northeast on US 67 to I-30, which took us through Dallas and on to Hope. Once we were through Dallas, traffic was fairly light, and even though there was some road construction, it didn't slow us down.
We arrived in Hope about 1500 hours, and were set up about 15 minutes later. We didn't set up the satellite dish, since we felt there was enough choice with the RV antenna for television. After resting about an hour, we drove out to my brother Keith's house. We had a great reunion with Keith and sons Josh and Jacob. Wife Nancy arrived home from work about 1715 hours, and middle son Corey showed up about 45 minutes later. Everyone piled in the cars and we went to eat at a local bar-b-que restaurant, where we had some great conversation, catching up on what everyone has been doing.
When supper was finished, we went back to Keith and Nancy's house, where the great conversation continued. Have I said lately how much I enjoy getting together with family?
Eventually, we had to leave, since we were so tired from the long day. However, Keith and Nancy and family have a standing invitation to visit us at the new home base.
We're not sure how early we'll be able to leave in the morning. There is a winter storm watch for this area, with snow and ice expected late tonight and early in the morning. That might mean that it will take us two days to get back to north Alabama. That's okay, as long as we're safe.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Hope, Arkansas: Birthplace of President Bill Clinton
Not all who wander are lost.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Say Ahhhh
Glen Rose, Texas
Weather: low 22 degrees, high 49 degrees, partly cloudy with high thin clouds
We were at the hospital in Glen Rose bright and early this morning, ready to give blood for our annual physicals. Thank God we didn't have to wait for the blood-letting to happen, because Carolyn is a real bear in the morning before she gets her coffee. By 0800 hours, she was sipping the coffee, and I could see a visible relaxing of her mood as she got some caffeine into her system. I probably made things worse this morning as I laughed at her as she fussed about not getting any coffee before going for the lab work. Memo to self: in the future, don't laugh where she can see me. Especially if I'm laughing at her, and it's obvious.
When we got back home, I found that one of our electric heaters had bit the dust. What is it with products today? I mean, this thing was only eight years old. Surely it could have lasted another eight years. Just kidding, folks. We got our money's worth out of that heater, as we used it 365 days a year. When it wasn't used for heat, it was used as background sound when sleeping so we didn't hear much, if any, outside noise. Rest well, old heater.
We knew we needed to replace the heater, so we drove to Granbury to the WalMart Mall to pick up another one. There was such a large selection that it took us about ten minutes to find the one we wanted. When we got it home and turned it on, it was obvious that the new heater is going to do a better job than the old one. Maybe there's a silver lining to the cloud that took the old heater.
On our way home from the Mall, we stopped by Midway Pines RV Park to see our friends Jerry and Joyce, the owners of the park. If someone is looking for an RV park to buy, they have one for sale.
We had a great visit with Jerry and Joyce, doing a lot of problem solving of the country's problems, and commiserating with them about the problems older parents have and the issues that sometimes arise as you try to help them.
When we got home, it was almost time for our doctor visits. Before going to the doctor, I stopped by the Glen Rose Library, looking for used books for sale. They had some used books, but nothing that caught my eye. The next stop was the doctor's office, where we had another good report. Yes!!
Then, we stopped where our friend Denise works, and surprised her as we walked up to her before she saw us. Since she was working, we couldn't stay long, but maybe next time.
We're leaving here tomorrow on our way back to north Alabama and Elkmont. We'll stop in Hope, Arkansas, and see my brother Keith and his family. If everything goes well, we'll be back in Elkmont by Wednesday or Thursday as we get the new home base ready for the holidays.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Billings, Montana: Capital Of The Midland Empire
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 22 degrees, high 49 degrees, partly cloudy with high thin clouds
We were at the hospital in Glen Rose bright and early this morning, ready to give blood for our annual physicals. Thank God we didn't have to wait for the blood-letting to happen, because Carolyn is a real bear in the morning before she gets her coffee. By 0800 hours, she was sipping the coffee, and I could see a visible relaxing of her mood as she got some caffeine into her system. I probably made things worse this morning as I laughed at her as she fussed about not getting any coffee before going for the lab work. Memo to self: in the future, don't laugh where she can see me. Especially if I'm laughing at her, and it's obvious.
When we got back home, I found that one of our electric heaters had bit the dust. What is it with products today? I mean, this thing was only eight years old. Surely it could have lasted another eight years. Just kidding, folks. We got our money's worth out of that heater, as we used it 365 days a year. When it wasn't used for heat, it was used as background sound when sleeping so we didn't hear much, if any, outside noise. Rest well, old heater.
We knew we needed to replace the heater, so we drove to Granbury to the WalMart Mall to pick up another one. There was such a large selection that it took us about ten minutes to find the one we wanted. When we got it home and turned it on, it was obvious that the new heater is going to do a better job than the old one. Maybe there's a silver lining to the cloud that took the old heater.
On our way home from the Mall, we stopped by Midway Pines RV Park to see our friends Jerry and Joyce, the owners of the park. If someone is looking for an RV park to buy, they have one for sale.
We had a great visit with Jerry and Joyce, doing a lot of problem solving of the country's problems, and commiserating with them about the problems older parents have and the issues that sometimes arise as you try to help them.
When we got home, it was almost time for our doctor visits. Before going to the doctor, I stopped by the Glen Rose Library, looking for used books for sale. They had some used books, but nothing that caught my eye. The next stop was the doctor's office, where we had another good report. Yes!!
Then, we stopped where our friend Denise works, and surprised her as we walked up to her before she saw us. Since she was working, we couldn't stay long, but maybe next time.
We're leaving here tomorrow on our way back to north Alabama and Elkmont. We'll stop in Hope, Arkansas, and see my brother Keith and his family. If everything goes well, we'll be back in Elkmont by Wednesday or Thursday as we get the new home base ready for the holidays.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Billings, Montana: Capital Of The Midland Empire
Not all who wander are lost.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
What Was He Thinking?
Glen Rose, Texas
Weather: low 49 degrees in Bay City, Texas, high 50 degrees in Glen Rose, Texas, partly cloudy to clear skies
We're usually early risers, and this morning was no different. As a result, we were ready to leave Bay City by 0630 hours. Only one problem: there was no one at the RV park for us to settle up our bill. So, we had to wait about an hour for the host to show up. It was after 0730 hours by the time we were finally able to pull out.
Today was a Sunday, so traffic was about as light as it gets. The only thing that caused us any concern was a fairly brisk wind that came up between El Campo and La Grange, blowing from the north at about 25 miles per hour. That means we were driving directly into the wind, which makes the truck work harder, with less fuel efficiency. Luckily, the wind died down about the time we got to La Grange, so driving was easier after that.
A funny ting happened on our way through Rosebud. There is a four way stop sign in the center of town. A city policeman was sitting about 30 feet away from the stop sign, watching the traffic go by. One car pulled up to the stop sign, driving within about five feet of the policeman's car. Without stopping, the car kept going. Now, what was he thinking?? The policeman immediately started his car, turned his flashers on, and stopped the the car that had run the stop sign. Again, what was he thinking??
It was late in the afternoon by the time we got into Glen Rose. The wind had started blowing again, and with the temperature in the 40s, it was a little chilly. By the time we were set up in our space, it was getting close to supper time. We warmed up the RV in a hurry, using two electric heaters and the furnace. Getting warm made me even more tired than I was earlier, but I didn't stop until the satellite dish was installed. It's about time to get a new receiver, since the last few times the dish has been set up, the receiver set up screen has shown that we didn't have a signal on satellite 110, when we did.
Supper was simple, but filling (and good!): chicken soup with plenty of black pepper and ham sandwiches.
We have lab work scheduled first thing in the morning, and see our doctor tomorrow afternoon for our yearly physicals. If the doctor doesn't want us to do any more tests than normal, we will leave here on Tuesday morning on our way back to north Alabama. Time to finish setting up the new home base and get ready for the holidays.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Charlotte, North Carolina: The Queen City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 49 degrees in Bay City, Texas, high 50 degrees in Glen Rose, Texas, partly cloudy to clear skies
We're usually early risers, and this morning was no different. As a result, we were ready to leave Bay City by 0630 hours. Only one problem: there was no one at the RV park for us to settle up our bill. So, we had to wait about an hour for the host to show up. It was after 0730 hours by the time we were finally able to pull out.
Today was a Sunday, so traffic was about as light as it gets. The only thing that caused us any concern was a fairly brisk wind that came up between El Campo and La Grange, blowing from the north at about 25 miles per hour. That means we were driving directly into the wind, which makes the truck work harder, with less fuel efficiency. Luckily, the wind died down about the time we got to La Grange, so driving was easier after that.
A funny ting happened on our way through Rosebud. There is a four way stop sign in the center of town. A city policeman was sitting about 30 feet away from the stop sign, watching the traffic go by. One car pulled up to the stop sign, driving within about five feet of the policeman's car. Without stopping, the car kept going. Now, what was he thinking?? The policeman immediately started his car, turned his flashers on, and stopped the the car that had run the stop sign. Again, what was he thinking??
It was late in the afternoon by the time we got into Glen Rose. The wind had started blowing again, and with the temperature in the 40s, it was a little chilly. By the time we were set up in our space, it was getting close to supper time. We warmed up the RV in a hurry, using two electric heaters and the furnace. Getting warm made me even more tired than I was earlier, but I didn't stop until the satellite dish was installed. It's about time to get a new receiver, since the last few times the dish has been set up, the receiver set up screen has shown that we didn't have a signal on satellite 110, when we did.
Supper was simple, but filling (and good!): chicken soup with plenty of black pepper and ham sandwiches.
We have lab work scheduled first thing in the morning, and see our doctor tomorrow afternoon for our yearly physicals. If the doctor doesn't want us to do any more tests than normal, we will leave here on Tuesday morning on our way back to north Alabama. Time to finish setting up the new home base and get ready for the holidays.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Charlotte, North Carolina: The Queen City
Not all who wander are lost.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Leaving Here Tomorrow
Bay City, Texas
Weather: low 58 degrees, high 82 degrees, clear skies, breezy
We took things easy today as we get ready to leave here tomorrow. We'll be going on to Glen Rose, Texas for our yearly physicals. If everything goes well, we will only be in Glen Rose through Monday, and then go back to north Alabama to get the new home base ready for the holidays.
The drive to Glen Rose is about 300 miles, and takes us from the coast up to the north end of the hill country. The country changes from the flat coast to the rolling hills of the Texas hill country. Once we're in the Columbus area, which is about 70 miles away, the drive becomes pretty, and stays like that all the way to Glen Rose. We're looking forward to seeing it again.
Since we were taking things easy, we didn't do much of anything for most of the day. I finished a new Reacher novel by Lee Child (pen name of British writer Jim Grant) so I could give it back to Lori before we left. The Reacher novels are the type that are so good that you don't want to put them down. In addition, I took some books back to the library.
After finishing the Reacher novel, I dumped our holding tanks and left the gray water valves open so our tanks will be empty in the morning. Then I checked our tire pressure using our tire monitoring system. The pressures were fine, but I'll do another quick check before we leave in the morning.
Late in the afternoon, we visited Lori and her family again. We expect to leave fairly early in the morning, so this was our goodbye visit. We have enjoyed our visits with them while down here, and would stay longer, but we have things to do at the new home base, so we need to get.
I am close to my family, both immediate and extended. My saddest times are when we have to move on and leave family behind. Wouldn't it be great if they could all live near us? Saying goodbye sucks.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Toledo, Ohio: Tree City USA
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 58 degrees, high 82 degrees, clear skies, breezy
We took things easy today as we get ready to leave here tomorrow. We'll be going on to Glen Rose, Texas for our yearly physicals. If everything goes well, we will only be in Glen Rose through Monday, and then go back to north Alabama to get the new home base ready for the holidays.
The drive to Glen Rose is about 300 miles, and takes us from the coast up to the north end of the hill country. The country changes from the flat coast to the rolling hills of the Texas hill country. Once we're in the Columbus area, which is about 70 miles away, the drive becomes pretty, and stays like that all the way to Glen Rose. We're looking forward to seeing it again.
Since we were taking things easy, we didn't do much of anything for most of the day. I finished a new Reacher novel by Lee Child (pen name of British writer Jim Grant) so I could give it back to Lori before we left. The Reacher novels are the type that are so good that you don't want to put them down. In addition, I took some books back to the library.
After finishing the Reacher novel, I dumped our holding tanks and left the gray water valves open so our tanks will be empty in the morning. Then I checked our tire pressure using our tire monitoring system. The pressures were fine, but I'll do another quick check before we leave in the morning.
Late in the afternoon, we visited Lori and her family again. We expect to leave fairly early in the morning, so this was our goodbye visit. We have enjoyed our visits with them while down here, and would stay longer, but we have things to do at the new home base, so we need to get.
I am close to my family, both immediate and extended. My saddest times are when we have to move on and leave family behind. Wouldn't it be great if they could all live near us? Saying goodbye sucks.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Toledo, Ohio: Tree City USA
Not all who wander are lost.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Matagorda Beach
Bay City, Texas
Weather: low 48 degrees, high 76 degrees, clear skies - does it get any better?
A tradition with us when we're in this area is to go to Matagorda Beach to see how things have changed, and to get a smell of the salt air. Today was the day for that little trip to the beach, which is at the end of Texas 60.
Before we got to the beach, we stopped in the historic little town of Matagorda. There is a boat basin just off the Intracoastal Waterway. Inside the property is a restaurant that has the best hamburgers in the area. Whenever we're down there, we stop if the restaurant is open. They were open today, so a hamburger for lunch seemed like a good idea. Guess what? The hamburgers were just as good as we remembered from the past. Ummmmm, boy!
When lunch was finished, we drove on down to the beach. There seems to have been some new building along the way since a new bridge was built across the Intracoastal Waterway. We were wondering how long the buildings would last when the next hurricane goes through the area, since the land is only about three feet above the Colorado River.
There is an RV park operated by the Lower Colorado River Authority at the end of the road. The RV park was almost full of RVs, and most of the RVs are Casitas, a brand of small RV. Apparently, there is a Casita Owners rally going on. They seemed to be having a good time.
When we got to the beach, we parked in the parking lot where we could look out across the Gulf of Mexico, the fishing pier, and down the beach. It was surprising how few people were out with the weather being so nice.
Here is a picture of the fishing pier, which was destroyed in a storm a couple of years ago. The state did a good job of repairing it.
Next is a picture of Matagorda Beach. See how deserted it is? And the weather was outstanding.

Here's a couple of surf fishermen near the fishing pier.

After getting home and resting, we met Lori and her family for supper at K-2 Restaurant. I had the fried fajita strips with pan fried potatoes and grilled zucchini, along with the salad bar. Carolyn had the same thing, except she had french fries rather than the squash. A better meal than we expected, with enough for lunch tomorrow.
Lori has a class in Houston tomorrow at Rice University, as she continues work on her master's degree. So, we called the night early so she could go home and get ready. We'll see her and her family tomorrow afternoon.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Flagstaff, Arizona: The Staff
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 48 degrees, high 76 degrees, clear skies - does it get any better?
A tradition with us when we're in this area is to go to Matagorda Beach to see how things have changed, and to get a smell of the salt air. Today was the day for that little trip to the beach, which is at the end of Texas 60.
Before we got to the beach, we stopped in the historic little town of Matagorda. There is a boat basin just off the Intracoastal Waterway. Inside the property is a restaurant that has the best hamburgers in the area. Whenever we're down there, we stop if the restaurant is open. They were open today, so a hamburger for lunch seemed like a good idea. Guess what? The hamburgers were just as good as we remembered from the past. Ummmmm, boy!
When lunch was finished, we drove on down to the beach. There seems to have been some new building along the way since a new bridge was built across the Intracoastal Waterway. We were wondering how long the buildings would last when the next hurricane goes through the area, since the land is only about three feet above the Colorado River.
There is an RV park operated by the Lower Colorado River Authority at the end of the road. The RV park was almost full of RVs, and most of the RVs are Casitas, a brand of small RV. Apparently, there is a Casita Owners rally going on. They seemed to be having a good time.
When we got to the beach, we parked in the parking lot where we could look out across the Gulf of Mexico, the fishing pier, and down the beach. It was surprising how few people were out with the weather being so nice.
Here is a picture of the fishing pier, which was destroyed in a storm a couple of years ago. The state did a good job of repairing it.

Next is a picture of Matagorda Beach. See how deserted it is? And the weather was outstanding.

Here's a couple of surf fishermen near the fishing pier.

After getting home and resting, we met Lori and her family for supper at K-2 Restaurant. I had the fried fajita strips with pan fried potatoes and grilled zucchini, along with the salad bar. Carolyn had the same thing, except she had french fries rather than the squash. A better meal than we expected, with enough for lunch tomorrow.
Lori has a class in Houston tomorrow at Rice University, as she continues work on her master's degree. So, we called the night early so she could go home and get ready. We'll see her and her family tomorrow afternoon.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Flagstaff, Arizona: The Staff
Not all who wander are lost.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day Of Rest
Bay City, Texas
Weather: low 40 degrees, high 73 degrees, partly cloudy to clear skies
Carolyn was a little under the weather today, and it's no wonder. With the problems she has with vertigo and the traveling we have been doing, plus how busy we have been, she has worn down to the point that it doesn't take much to put her on the couch all day. So, we took things easy today. She didn't go anywhere, and I only left the RV a couple of times to go to the post office and HEB grocery store.
We ordered our mail to be forwarded to us from the Escapees headquarters on Tuesday, and hoped it would be here today. No luck on that, but I think it will be here tomorrow.
The trip to HEB was to pick up some milk and a couple other items. The store is only a mile or so away, and in the past I might have walked to it. Not now, since I don't have a sidewalk to walk on. There's too much traffic to trust drivers to see me.
While I was at HEB, I saw one of my old co-workers from the nuclear plant. He thought I was here to work, and seemed happy that I might be going back. However, it seems hard for people that have known me a long time to accept that I don't want to work any more. I don't know how to take that. Does that mean that they enjoyed working with me as much as I enjoyed working with them, or does it mean that I seemed so dedicated to my job that people think I still am?
Oh, by the way - I am not back here to work. I'm over it. It's past time to do our thing.
With Carolyn being under the weather, we didn't go see Lori and her family tonight. Hopefully, Carolyn will feel better tomorrow and we'll get out and about. In the meantime, it didn't hurt me to get some rest.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Portland, Maine: Hill City
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 40 degrees, high 73 degrees, partly cloudy to clear skies
Carolyn was a little under the weather today, and it's no wonder. With the problems she has with vertigo and the traveling we have been doing, plus how busy we have been, she has worn down to the point that it doesn't take much to put her on the couch all day. So, we took things easy today. She didn't go anywhere, and I only left the RV a couple of times to go to the post office and HEB grocery store.
We ordered our mail to be forwarded to us from the Escapees headquarters on Tuesday, and hoped it would be here today. No luck on that, but I think it will be here tomorrow.
The trip to HEB was to pick up some milk and a couple other items. The store is only a mile or so away, and in the past I might have walked to it. Not now, since I don't have a sidewalk to walk on. There's too much traffic to trust drivers to see me.
While I was at HEB, I saw one of my old co-workers from the nuclear plant. He thought I was here to work, and seemed happy that I might be going back. However, it seems hard for people that have known me a long time to accept that I don't want to work any more. I don't know how to take that. Does that mean that they enjoyed working with me as much as I enjoyed working with them, or does it mean that I seemed so dedicated to my job that people think I still am?
Oh, by the way - I am not back here to work. I'm over it. It's past time to do our thing.
With Carolyn being under the weather, we didn't go see Lori and her family tonight. Hopefully, Carolyn will feel better tomorrow and we'll get out and about. In the meantime, it didn't hurt me to get some rest.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Portland, Maine: Hill City
Not all who wander are lost.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
More Feathers
Bay City, Texas
Weather: low 30 degrees, high 63 degrees, clear skies
Even though we're about 850 miles away from the new home base in north Alabama, we're still looking for stuff so Carolyn can line her new nest. Today, we went up to Sam's Club in Sugarland to check out some things that Carolyn wanted to get for the base. It had been several years since we had been up in the Sugarland area, and like most areas around Houston, it has really changed. More homes, businesses, roads, schools..... Texas is probably one of the few states that's still creating jobs during the recession that was supposed to be over in the summer of 2009.
The Sam's Club in Sugarland is one of the biggest ones we have been in, and Carolyn managed to find a few things that she liked. We bought those items to take back with us when we leave here. Now, we only have about 101 more things to find and buy. Like, dishes, silverware, bed clothes.... Oh, and don't forget the television. I guess that will be my department to take care of.
Lori gave me a copy of Consumer's Report that gives the ratings on televisions, as well as many other household electronics. Reading the reports has expanded my knowledge of what would be the best buys, if I can find the same items. I think I will have fun picking out what I ultimately buy. Almost as much fun as Carolyn is having in feathering her nest.
When we got back home from Sugarland, we decided to do some napping and meditation, as we were tired from the long drive. Later in the day, I did a couple of chores on the truck and in the basement. Then, we went to visit my brother Terrell and his wife Kathy. They will be seeing doctors in Houston all day tomorrow, and leave here early Friday morning on their way back to their home in Maryville, Tennessee.
The last stop before heading home was at Lori's house, as we visited her and the kids for a few minutes. We made a date to have lunch at K-2 Restaurant on Saturday. Then it was back home for supper and a little television before bedtime. Another day of visits and stuff in South Texas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Washington-On-The Brazos, Texas: The Birthplace Of Texas
Not all who wander are lost.
Weather: low 30 degrees, high 63 degrees, clear skies
Even though we're about 850 miles away from the new home base in north Alabama, we're still looking for stuff so Carolyn can line her new nest. Today, we went up to Sam's Club in Sugarland to check out some things that Carolyn wanted to get for the base. It had been several years since we had been up in the Sugarland area, and like most areas around Houston, it has really changed. More homes, businesses, roads, schools..... Texas is probably one of the few states that's still creating jobs during the recession that was supposed to be over in the summer of 2009.
The Sam's Club in Sugarland is one of the biggest ones we have been in, and Carolyn managed to find a few things that she liked. We bought those items to take back with us when we leave here. Now, we only have about 101 more things to find and buy. Like, dishes, silverware, bed clothes.... Oh, and don't forget the television. I guess that will be my department to take care of.
Lori gave me a copy of Consumer's Report that gives the ratings on televisions, as well as many other household electronics. Reading the reports has expanded my knowledge of what would be the best buys, if I can find the same items. I think I will have fun picking out what I ultimately buy. Almost as much fun as Carolyn is having in feathering her nest.
When we got back home from Sugarland, we decided to do some napping and meditation, as we were tired from the long drive. Later in the day, I did a couple of chores on the truck and in the basement. Then, we went to visit my brother Terrell and his wife Kathy. They will be seeing doctors in Houston all day tomorrow, and leave here early Friday morning on their way back to their home in Maryville, Tennessee.
The last stop before heading home was at Lori's house, as we visited her and the kids for a few minutes. We made a date to have lunch at K-2 Restaurant on Saturday. Then it was back home for supper and a little television before bedtime. Another day of visits and stuff in South Texas.
More later, be safe.
Today's Town - Washington-On-The Brazos, Texas: The Birthplace Of Texas
Not all who wander are lost.
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