Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fayetteville, Tennessee

Elkmont, Alabama

Weather: low 48 degrees, high 67 degrees, cloudy skies, light sprinkles late in the evening

It's getting easier and easier to get a late start. We didn't get out and about this morning until after 1000 hours, and I could have waited until after lunch. However, rain was expected to move into the area, and I would rather be at home when the rain arrives.

The first part of our day was spent looking around in Toney and Hazel Green, both of which are little bedroom communities north of Huntsville. Eventually, we got tired of seeing row upon row of houses, cotton fields, and farm machinery. We decided to head up toward Fayetteville, located about ten miles inside Tennessee.

Almost as soon as we crossed the state line into Tennessee, the terrain changed to steeper hills and deeper valleys. We like that kind of countryside, so we enjoyed seeing the new territory. Fayetteville is the county seat of Lincoln County, and has a population of about 7,000 people. The town was founded in 1809, so it has a little history behind it. Here's what the downtown area looks like.

A visit to a county seat wouldn't be complete without a picture of the old courthouse.

An interesting fact I found was that the Lincoln County process is used in making Tennessee whiskey. The Jack Daniels distillery was located in the county until the county lines were re-drawn and Moore County was created, with the distillery located in Lynchburg in Moore County.

By the time we finished driving around Fayetteville, it was time for lunch, which was Arby's sandwiches. Then we started back home, going by way of Ardmore. We didn't make it home until after 1500 hours, which made it time for some meditation.

After supper, we spent the rest of the evening watching the election returns. Very interesting developments going on.

More later, be safe.

Today's Town - Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow

Not all who wander are lost.

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